Thursday, April 20, 2006

Okay... I had to do this, because every time I would read it on someone else's site, I found myself finishing the sentences mentally. I figure if I actually take the time to fill it out, I might be able to just read others' without doing so!

I am: in-between loads of laundry
Maybe I should: read my children a story
I love: getting an uninterrupted night's sleep
I don't understand: liking chemistry
I lost my: favorite pajama pants
People say I'm: gonna make it!
Love is: when Daniel washes the dinner dishes/watches the kids so I can take a long walk
Somewhere, someone is: in labor, and I feel badly for her
I will always: want to shop more
Forever is: how long it takes me to grocery shop
I never want to: be too busy for local church
I think the current President is: faced with challenges
When I wake up in the morning, I: wonder if I can get away with 15 more minutes of sleep
Life is full of: ups and downs
My past is incredibly: blessed
I get annoyed when: Gabriel tries to bite Bronwyn
I wish: house projects didn't cost money
My dog/cat is: never to be
Kisses are the worst when: mixed with baby snot (I couldn't top that, Abby!)
Nice: the weather
Tomorrow I'm going to: attend the first [of many] spring wedding
I really want some: time for personal reading
I have low tolerance for people who are: selfish with their time
If I had a million dollars: I would buy a hutch and big table for my dining room, buy lots of flowers to plant outside, and pay for the Spain team's trip (and probably some other things, too, but those were my first thoughts)

There! Now I can stop this ridiculous mental game I play every time I read a blog!


  1. We didn't get the mattresses there, but they do have them. We wound up at Stiles Mattress on Route 11, rather than the other furniture store in Canton because we were told that the other sells used mattresses. Stiles had a nice, comfortable, supportive (will last for teen years if it makes it that far) twin mattresses for $100, with no boxspring. His are brand new, still wrapped in plastic which I liked. I believe BJ's also had them for about the same price.

    And I love the list! Enjoy your day!

  2. Josh, Matt, and possibly Stephen (don't have the final word on that one yet...)

  3. I love Somewhere, someone is: in labor, and I feel badly for her! 
    So, I have a vehicle until Tuesday since Ryan is out of town.  (he's bringing back Grandpa Daniels car from FL)  I would love to pop on over to visit you guys.  When would be a good time?  Talk to you soon.
