Saturday, April 29, 2006

1... chore from my Saturday work list is done

2... books I read way too often are Mordant's Wish and Goodnight Gorilla

3... [unsuccessful] attempts have been made at getting Jackson to nap since 10am

4... dozen cookies are baked and ready for tomorrow's end-of-year BBQ

5... whole minutes spent showering (and only that long because I had to stick my head out for at least 1 whole minute to convince Bronwyn not to tip Jack out of his car seat)

6... diaper-changes so far today

7... hours from now I hope to be fast asleep

8... couch pillows make up much of my son's drumset

9... months ago Bronwyn wore 6-12 month clothes; today she wears 2T

10... hours of sleep in one night seems like a far-off dream


  1. I don't even know what a bunkie board is, so that answers your question! The bunks we got have the really nice slats that are laced together for each frame. The girls have jumped, climbed, bounced and banked around on both levels and they are super sturdy. Josh even layed in the top bunk before we let Lael get in it.

    Hope that helps! You are more than welcome to inspect them next week. I'm hoping May 4 works out with Liz because that is the best day for us as well.

  2. To satisfy my own curiousity, I found this information. Thought you might find it helpful.

  3. this was priceless!  thanks for sharing a tidbit of your day... i enjoy reading your blog very much!! 

  4. haha!  I like 10! 

  5. 2T?? I can't believe I didn't get to see her when you were in...hopefully this summer:)

  6. I like Goodnight Gorilla  Actually...I have the video which tells the same story if you'd like to borrow it.....guaranteed to hold attention through a shower!

  7. That is a neat list...sounds hectic...that's how kids are I suppose. Nice to have seen you at church yesterday too bad we don't get to talk more. It seems like online it is so easy to have some convo but in person I get shy. I talked to Danica yesterday though, but she came up to me...she is not shy. hah. Oh well maybe when we get together sometime I wont be as shy. I hope it ends soon, I hate being shy. God help me!


  8. Loved the list enough to copy it!

    Oh and Liz is free on Thursday, the 4th. So if you are still availible, let me know if morning or afternoons work better for you and the kids. Around 1:30 would be perfect for us, but anytime will work.
