Wednesday, April 5, 2006

Not-so-interesting Stats:

--I have spent 4+ weeks of Jackson's 12+ weeks alive applying Nystatin cream. (Does that sound annoying to anyone besides me?)

--Gabriel and Bronwyn drink 1 mixed can of Welch's white grape peach juice concentrate in 2 days.

--Every single salad I've eaten in the last 12+ weeks is either all or partially baby spinach.

--I have watched 2 movies in the theater in the last 3 years. (My gift to Daniel on Valentine's Day '05 was watching Miracle at Lowe's Theater and my sisters took me to see Two Weeks Notice when I was pregnant with Bronwyn, for any who really care to know.)

--I have watched less than a dozen movies in the theater in my entire life.

--Out of the last 47 months, I have spent 27 pregnant and 26 breastfeeding. (Yes I did, for a short time, nurse both Gabriel and Bronwyn while pregnant and, no, neither of them have brain damage as a result.)

--I had my permit for 6 weeks before my dad finally told me to get behind the wheel and drive.

--My first experience driving was backing my parents' 15-passenger van out of my parents' driveway. (For those of you who have done such a thing, you know it isn't easy even if you've been driving for years.)

--I hated peppers until I got married and, upon seeing how often my in-laws included them in salad or on pizza, I successfully decided to like them. (Now I can't figure out why I waited to so many years to do so!)

--I have never participated in Electric Slide.

Okay. I'll stop now. I could probably continue such random statements for a really long time, at which point all readers would be irritatingly bored and people would know too much about me.


  1. I think lists like this are so fun. Where else do you get to spout off all the random things in your life?!

    And I haven't been to the theater since I was pregnant with Lael!

  2. I think they may come up with the finger thing on their own...I know...ingenius.
    Lohr baby update:  Marcie went Monday for her appointment at which time she was 40 weeks exactly.  She was still 1.5 cm dilated, which she was the week before.  If she doesn't go by next Tuesday, they will induce.  She is on the waiting list to be induced next Monday so if another woman goes naturally before then, then she'll go Monday.  She thinks she end up making it til then.  I'll let you know if anything happens!

  3. I'd like to also join the list of those having never participated in that awful electric slide.

  4. It's a shame but I think I've only been to the movie's twice in about a year or so. Jamie got a gift card for Christmas and she took me actually that evening we saw 2 movie's which was great but other than that I don't see much even when we rent them. I have every intentions on sitting down to watch them and something always comes up, and I never see them. that's what's you call a life of a Mother!!!! Im sure Crina would of taken Idiol this year Im shocked she wasn't even picked.
