Thursday, April 17, 2008

Oh Yeah

Can anyone say, "Seventy-four degrees and absolutely not-a-cloud-in-the-sky sunny?"

You betcha.

This kind of weather calls for spontaneity. Of the Ditch Your Dinner Plans and Go To Sergi's variety. Follow that meal up with a stroll around one of the cutest Market Streets in the world, and you've got yourself the perfect activity. If you ask me.

(Which you didn't...)

Wanna come?


  1. Boy, I wish I could come...I miss Sergi's and walks around Potsdam.  I don't quite think it would justify the 14 hour drive, though ;).  Almost.  But not quite.

  2. I agree, nice weather makes you want to do something fun!

  3. Market Street, Potsdam.  It really is one of the cutest little market streets in the world. I miss it and am very excited that soon I will be able to enjoy strolls like the above, with a stop at Sergi's of course!  What a great day!  Enjoy the weather, the stroll, and the pizza. 

  4. Ha!
    As I was reading this I thought, "Boy, if Rochelle reads this, she'll agree (and also be very jealous!)"
    We did the "chicken wraps" thing...
    Grilled, Marinated Chicken Tenderloins rolled up in Honey Wheat Wraps with Sauteed Veggies (spinach, red and yellow peppers, broccoli, garlic and zucchini).
    Not Sergi's, but colorful (and yummy just the same!)

  5. Um, yes, I want to come!You know, it's been that warm and sunny for weeks and weeks here (except when Mom and Dad were here!), but it's not the same as that first HUGELY MOMENTOUS spring day in the North Country. Yeah. I wish I was there. 

  6. We voted for a picnic and playing in the park in Canton.  But I'm with you on the 'ditch it all and hang out outside' idea. 
    RYC:  I really like Green Works.  The ingredients are basically the same as the expensive cleaners at The GreenHouse in Potsdam.  But the price is much cheaper - $2.50 at Walmart for a bottle that can be diluted for mopping or for an all-purpose cleaner.   I have a hard time letting my girls use cleaners that have harsh smells so this works really well for us.

  7. Sounds lovely.  That and your comment, about short waits in line at the pharmacy.. benefits of living in a rural area... are you trying to make me jealous?  Or convince me to move??

  8. You know, I bet I would have seen you out walking, if my plans went ahead, as I well...planned. Lol. I was hoping to take all of the kids out for a nice walk, downtown and back, but Wes ended up with a 103.3 degree fever today! (Yikes!) Did you enjoy your walk and dinner? It sounds lovely!

  9. It's been beautiful here all week but for me it's got to be painting and yard sale!  But the weather has been perfect for that too!  Alan and I did our first painting, on the front door.  We're novice's so I hope dad thinks it's fine!  But it's much better than how it was, especially the places where Alan had sanded it down to the steel...I went crazy over the years taping things to the door and it hadn't been painted, only primer so the tape didn't want to come off any other way.  I'm thankful he did it however he needed to!   

  10. I was having the same sunny weather feelings myself the other day (We were thinking of Panera), but plans didn't quite work out, so we walked to the post office instead, which was thrilling enough for the boys after all.Anyhow, we got our step stool at Target.  They run around $25 but we bought ours during a sale.  Ironically the entire top broke off the day after you asked about it.  It is made laminated particle board and I guess between a couple of accidental dousings and the boys moving it around so much, it gave way.  I did like it... before it broke!  Our bathroom door won't close with it sitting in front of the sink where it was most needed or I think it would have lasted much longer.  The boys had to move it back and forth a dozen times a day or so... and I think they occasionally dragged it by the lid in spite of our requests that they use the cut out handles on the side.Next time I think we'll choose something a little more lightweight so the boys don't have to expend so much effort to move it.  (I was avoiding the really light plastic ones because they always seem to tip over and they're always so ugly too... maybe I'll check out Ikea or Goodwill as Michelle suggested.)
