Thursday, April 10, 2008


Cool:: the top 8 on American Idol singing Shout to the Lord. It's neat to see a worship chorus getting attention from the mainstream music industry.

Frustrating:: the fact that there are tons of cute summer dresses available this year while the skirt selection is, at best, slim pickings. Dresses are simply not nursing-friendly.

Perfect:: my bedroom with its new paint job and furniture arrangement, all thanks to Nancy and Daniel. (Pictures forthcoming.)

Disappointing:: the annoyingly persistent sugar addiction I have. I can't seem to kick it.

Exciting:: upcoming presbytery meetings! This is always a highlight of my year.

Exhausting:: sleeping night after night on a lumpy, creaky mattress and broken boxspring.

Relieving:: knowing a new mattress set is on its way-- the first brand new set Daniel and I will have ever owned! (We're upgrading from full to queen, too!)

Difficult:: maintaining good routines even when life (aka the semester) gets hectic and busy. Overall, I managed pretty well with Daniel out of town twice recently except that I got out of a lot of good habits for the sake of simplifying in his absence.

Beautiful:: tulip buds pushing through earth along my front porch, Aubrey's smiling eyes, my dishes, friendship, the color green.


  1. FYI: the bed we have is a full-size, not queen.
    too bad!

  2. I'm with you on the dress/skirt issue. Everywhere I go I see dress after dress that I adore, only to realized, duh... you can't nurse in that thing. I'm learning. :)
    I've hit a crazy sugar addict wall too. Mostly chocolate. Wierd.
    It amazes me that with all sweet baby Aubrey has been through, she's just about the same size as Annabelle. Praise God. Last we knew, Annabelle was 13lb. 8oz and 25in long. When typing that, it sounds so small... then I remember that 7lb. baby I held this afternoon and she's now suddenly so big again. :) Amazing, huh?

  3. I hear you on the skirt issue.  I have spent a lot of time shopping while I have been in Pittsburgh and skirts are just hard to come by!  When I was shopping for Ryan's graduation I found about 30 dresses that I thought were cute, but only a few skirts.  It is frustrating!

  4. The sad thing is that American Idol contestants sang an "edited" version of "Shout to the Lord."  It's sad that they took this awesome worship song and had to make it "politically correct" by taking the name of Jesus out of the song.  You can read about it here:

  5. @Jilly - Yes, I did notice that; but I still think it's good to see a very popular Christian song getting credit for being known all around the world by millions of people!

  6. @Jilly - And I should mention that they didn't change the lyrics last night when I watched. Cool, huh?

  7. Yes, I agree with you in that it is good to see the song being sung or getting credit on American Idol, (let alone!!),  but I was wondering......"Where" did you see/hear it sung where they didn't change the lyrics because I've only seen it the one way?  I'm confused?  Thanks for answering!  Blessings to you and your family!

  8. @jilly - On Wed night, they changed the lyrics (during the "Idol Gives Back" special); but Thurs night on the Elimination Night, the contestants sang it again and didn't change the lyrics.

  9. I wish I could join you in relief and get a new mattress set as well. As I told my hubby the other morning, "It's good to be home except for the backache I have each morning upon waking." When we get a new set it will be our fourth. We started with a waterbed, got a regular king size while I was pregnant with #2. It had to be replaced in about six years due to all the jumping that broke all the box springs. (Dad was the main culprit in that situation.) Then when we moved to NY they had to fold our mattress in half to get it up the stairs in the rental house. Needless to say, you are not supposed to do that.

  10. I saw just the tail end of the "Shout to the Lord" performance and I was wondering whether or not they had omitted any of the lyrics...but I agree that it is definitely a good thing, either way.  And I, too, agree about the skirt issue.  And since I have more trouble fitting into skirts than dresses, it is especially hard.  I usually just end up going the pants-route for  whenever I need to get "dressed-up".  And the tulip things makes me chuckle, only because we should have tulips and daffodils poking through the ground, but my husband in his fervent attempts to keep snow on the ground for as long as possible, made an eight foot pile of snow on our front lawn the last time it snowed (right where our flowers should be) and that pile has only just finished melting in the last day or two :).

  11. Brietta-
    A queen size bed makes more room for "intruders", I mean children, to sneak in.
    But, sleeping in on Saturdays with six cozy people snuggled up is SOOO fun! :)
    Presbytery is totally a highlight of the year!!! Can't wait!
    Sarah D.

  12. @jilly - I went on youtube to find a copy of last night's performance for you since you didn't get to see it:!

  13. Oh wow, ever since Gabe and I got our new mattress and box spring shortly after moving up here, it has made a world of difference. Occasionally I'll wake to have a sleep walking episode (mostly when I am pregnant) but now I have to accredit my rare encounters due to the fact I sleep so well! What a great investment. My dad always said, spend the little extra on 2 things; a mattress and shoes. You're in them a lot!And I CAN"T wait to see pictures of your room. I love seeing those kinds of things. I don't get HGTV but I'll just pretend I'm watching it with your photos! (when they come).

  14. Brietta, So kind of you to share that link with me, since I did NOT get to see it!  I'm usually a fan of AI but haven't watched much this season. Quite amazing that they sang it (twice), I must say!  I'm just wondering "who" was behind it all and I'm going to search a little bit to see what I can find.  Is there possibly someone involved with the show who is a Christian?  Still amazed that they sang it!  We'll see if any ACLU people cause a ruckus about it all just yet! Thank you again!

  15. Brietta --Thinking of movies, Merrick was guilting me already when he found out that I was going to see an animated movie with friends on Thursday night. So, I mentioned that a matinee on Sunday might be fun... would your kids be up for that? I know it would be smack dab in the middle of their naptimes, so maybe not.Otherwise I would love to bring them to an evening showing, but my guess is that it will be out of the theater by the following weekend. (the movie is Horton Hears A Who.

  16. Hey Brietta! Oh how I wish we still lived closer. Thanks for the pregnancy tips...I so appreciate any knowledge I can get. I'm sure I'm going to have so many questions as the time comes to have this baby and after. I hope you and your family are doing well. I don't know how you do it all. Thanks for being such a good example to all of us!  

  17. Hi Brietta.  I'd been thinking of doing the same kind of post as yours for a while.  :)  I just put mine up today.  Anyhow, I wanted to get back to you about $$ and green smoothies.  At ALDI's I can get a big bag of baby spinach for about $1.29, and that is good for at least 4, maybe even 6 smoothies.  A bunch of kale or greens is going to cost around $2.  If you're trying to do it every day then you'd probably need a bag of spinach and a bunch of something else.  Bananas I try to get at ALDI's, too, at $.37/lb.  I get a whole bunch (maybe $5 worth?) and peel and cut and freeze them at home. (that lasts a while)  Then I get a few bags of frozen strawberries/mixed berries.  This can feel expensive.  I think it's about $4/bag depending on the type of berry.  However, they do last at least a week or more.  Then the "extra" items, like limes, oranges, mangos, etc. I prefer to buy at the farmer's market.
    So, all in all, my very rough guestimate is that you would need probably about $15 for the supplies.  Have you tried it and tracked your expenses?  I am honestly not very good at the money stuff.  :( 

  18. Wow....I am totally out of the loop with American Idol this year...and was soooo blessed to hear "Shout to the Lord" was sung. I just looked it up and listened to it about 5 times. You know, it made me think of the verse...."one day every knee will bow and tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord." God is going to receive praise...even from the lips of those that deny His name!! 
