Sunday, April 13, 2008

7 Months



:: rolls over from her back to her tummy all the time these days. Since she hates being on her tummy, the result is always much whining and complaining. What I can't figure out is why this hasn't seemed to motivate her to learn to roll from tummy to back (which I hear is the more typical rolling babies do; all of mine have been much more prolific at back-to-tummy than vice versa).

:: weighs around 13lbs, I'm guessing. At 6 months she was 12lbs11oz, but with being sick, she was down to 12lbs10oz most recently. I have to say that she looks like she's gaining well again, so I anticipate a good weigh-in on Thursday.

:: is definitely a "morning baby." She is so pleasant and cheerful when she first wakes up everyday! She is not so pleasant and cheerful from the dinner hour on.

:: still sleeps in her Plymouth Plantation basket next to my bed (when she's in bed with me, that is). The reason my other babies have moved to their crib by 7 months is that they've all learned how to sit up by then and I don't like to risk them tipping the basket over while inside it. I love that she's still baby enough to use it!

:: is the delight of her brothers and sister. Just yesterday morning Jackson came in to my bedroom first thing and begin oohing and ahhing over her. "'Pecial girl," is what he calls her. Is there anything more wonderful to a mother than seeing her children loving each other?

:: has a tuft of hair on the crown of her head that always wants to stick straight up. It's very Alfalfa-ish, for those of you familiar with Our Gang. And, yes, her hair continues to be decidedly red.

:: while keeping me housebound much of these past 7 months, couldn't be more worth the sacrifice. She is my little doll-baby!

This photo was taken right before church (do you recognize the dress, Stacie?):


  1. I can't picture her rolling over...she seems too young! She seems only a couple of months old. My older five children pray for Aubrey everyday, sometimes several times throughout the day. They want to know why we can't name our baby girl Aubrey.
    They want to know why she can't come over when G & B do..."We promise we wouldn't cough on her or touch her face!" they say.

  2. I'm so glad for these little updates. I want to know everything about her!  :)I love the Jack quote. I was just thinking the other day that I can't picture him talking -- but of course, he is by now. And to think that he uses all of those words to coo over a baby sister... what a sweet little man.I love you guys.

  3. I'll let the mother in me come out right now and give you a reminder that it is very good for a baby to spend time on their tummy - especially now that they are recommending against sleeping on tummies!
    Just a reminder....;)

  4. @darlenes - don't worry! She gets plenty of tummy time, much to her chagrin. I always put her there at least once a day and play with her a bit (to help stretch the time she'll play that way), and now she gets lots more time since she puts herself that way many times a day!

  5. What a precious beautiful gift she is!

  6. Such a sweetie pie!  I enjoy the updates on Aubrey ~

  7. Brietta,your doll-baby is precious!

  8. Wow I can't believe she is 7 months! You really are blessed in the area of her being 'little' and 'baby' like yet, they really get too big too fast! I saw Daniel in church standing up with her this morning as she was sound asleep on his chest. So precious and something they only do when they are small, at least that was the only time Asher did it!You guys are blessed!

  9. Daniel and Brietta,
    I was looking at your little Aubrey when I was in church today and remembering
    that today is the 13th and this was her 7 month milestone.  I so remember how important how each of these milestones are especially with these little ones. I do
    remember when Robert got married, my tears were there that day because it is something I use to wonder if I would ever see?  Hang onto hope and encouraging words that come your way, they are God things for sure...Your Neighbor,
    Connie and Dave Lafaver

  10. She is adorable. What a testimony these seven months have been. Thanks for sharing them with us through posts like this.

  11. What a precious little girl you have!
