Thursday, April 3, 2008

A Little "Fuller"

Our household grew a bit yesterday and will stay a bit bigger until the early part of next week. Two of my younger sisters and my littlest brother are here while Mom and Dad are in California. I got married and moved away from home when they were 8, 6, and 2 years old, so it's always a fun treat to share a house with them again!

The dining table has chairs for a much nicer crowd of 8 instead of 6 around it. It's bigger and cozier all at the same time. How is that?

Last night Liana watched AI with me. I must confess that we weren't a bit sad to see Ramiele go. What can I say? She seems like a sweet girl, but not a great artist.

Daniel is home tonight and then tomorrow he'll head out of town for the weekend. The plan right now is to eat an earlier dinner (tuna curry, whole wheat flat bread, and a tossed salad) so we can watch this before the kids' 7pm bedtime. It will be even more fun since we'll have some extra bodies piling into the family room with us!


  1. Ahhh...7 pm bedtime. If only. Mara doesnt go to bed until 9:30ish, and Chao rlotte has been keeping me up past midnight. Do you have a special secret to it? Also, I was also wondering: How do you keep all your kids sleepign in one room? Mara, never having shared a room, seems to be a light sleeper and wakes up when she knows someone is sharing a bedroom with her, and as a result cries because she knows someone will come and get her. I want my girls to share a room soon in a few months when Charlotte is older but I do not want Charlotte waking up Mara when she cries, and vice versa.

  2. Bee Movie was super cute! We loved it! Hope you enjoy it, too!

  3. @sarah_purcell - No real secret to the early bedtime. Gabriel stayed up ridiculously late (10-11pm) until he weaned himself around 12months and then his schedule started adjusting on its own.  I assume the adjustment came at least in part because 3 meals a day was regulating his system to sleep earlier and wake earlier. (I am notoriously mean about not letting my kids snack because I want them eating well at mealtimes!)  Anyway, once Gabriel's routine was settled on an earlier schedule, the others have seemed to just fall inline.  Especially once they aren't nursing any more.As far as 2 in a room together, I was very worried about the same thing when going from 1-2 (2-3 was easy enough because Gabriel & Bronwyn were already used to sharing a room at that point), but it worked much more easily than I'd anticipated.  Bronwyn was about 4 months when we moved her to Gabriel's room (so he would have been 22 months old). The first couple nights, I just made sure to jump out of bed and get her ASAP when she woke to nurse (I was fortunate in that she really only woke once a night, occasionally twice) and Daniel accompanied me to tuck a very-sleepy Gabriel back in bed, who fell right back to sleep each time.  It only took a handful of nights before Gabriel wasn't even waking up when Bronwyn cried.  I couldn't believe how quickly he got used to her!Anyway, all that to say that I hope you can get something working with Mara and Charlotte.  You'll undoubtedly have rough patches, but sharing a room has been a real blessing to my kids. Every time one of them gets a little scared, I pray with them but also remind them that they're not alone.  It's nice.Oh-- I should mention that napping can be a whole different ballgame when it comes to sharing a room.  It may be worth your while to have one of the girls nap in your room.  For us, I would leave Bronwyn in the kids' room since the crib was there and put Gabriel down on our bed.  It just seems like napping can be trickier!

  4. @mrsdmf72205 - Yeah, I'm a super-picky movie-watcher (as in, I get bored really easily) and kids' movies definitely aren't usually something I enjoy, but I've heard that it's pretty cute. And the kids will undoubtedly enjoy it-- and probably Daniel, too -- and that's what really counts.  It's good to know someone who liked it, though. Makes me a little more optimistic!

  5. Bri! I love the new heading! It's always one of my favorite things when I first walk in the door at your house---all the shoes lined up by the door =)

  6. That sounds like such fun.  Enjoy these special days with your siblings.

  7. Hi Brietta :) I'm chiming in with lore... I love the shoe pic! Do let us know what you think of the Bee movie - I'd be interested in your opinion, as we watch very carefully here, too. Love, Q

  8. I love the new page--the shoes are great! 
    The Bee movie is a good-in'!  It was our rental of the week.  It will make for a nice family time, don't forget to pop some popcorn!
    Enjoy having the house a little fuller--times like that are wonderful!

  9. Let me know how the movie was, I was thinking of renting that one....
