Monday, April 28, 2008

I Love This Boy



  1. Hi Brietta...thank you for the great food ideas...they helped alot. I don't feel like I need to think as much about it now.  I love the idea of having soup or chickens. I make those alot for our family and there's only 4 of us.  I appreciate your feedback and thanks for reading my blog...I enjoy reading yours as well. :)

  2. That photo just makes me want to sqeeze him really tight and kiss him!  (and I know how much he would LOVE that!)

  3. So do I!  He looks like he has gotten taller since Feb!  I am very impressed with his alphabet.

  4. Love him too! What a great job he's doing -- I'll bet he's so excited about it all!

  5. awwww - too cute!
    quick question - when you got strep throat, did you just wait it out?  i'm not sure i have it, but my throat is KILLING me, kept the fever down by round-the-clock advil, and i think i'm starting to see white spots. 

  6. @bleejones - I have done both scenarios: stuck it out and gotten the antibiotics.  Really, I think your life circumstances have to dictate what you decide to do.  For me, this winter I felt like I couldn't even take the small chance of Aubrey getting strep, so I got the antibiotics since they end the contagious stage within about 48 hours.  If you decide to go a more natural route, some herbs that are probably very important to take and that I've taken in the past are Oregon Grape, Elderberry extract (the liquid), and gargling several times a day with Colloidal Silver (you can spit it out if ingesting it makes you uncomfortable, which is what I do).  You don't have to be diagnosed by a doctor to take those herbs, fortunately, because they're not at all harmful and function as immune builders, which never hurts!I hope you feel better soon.    Strep is the worst!

  7. Very cute!  Caedmon does the same thing with his magna doodle.  Isn't it great when learning is fun for them?
