Thursday, March 13, 2008

What a boy

"Mom, what does light green and dark green make?"

"Uh," comes the absentminded, focused-on-dinner-prep response, "medium green."

He looks up quizzically. "You mean, like, kelly green?"

Incredulous pause, then: "Yeah, buddy. Kelly green."

[Who teaches him this stuff?!]


  1. Ummm...I don't know Lisa.
    I'm not sure about light green and dark green making kelly green.
    It depends.
    Better let the professionals do it. (ie; CFA Art teachers).
    : )

  2. @kathleenmoulton - My astonishment was not so much at the guess that dark and light green make kelly green though no expert, I think some yellow would be required there!) but that he even knows that kelly green is a shade of color at all!
