Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Snow Day


We've got a snow day!

Daniel tried to leave this morning for work as usual, but the sheets of ice that beat against our surroundings all throughout the night made it impossible to get the van out of the driveway. He shoveled and tried to break the ice, only to find that his efforts were making things worse. And so he returned to the house.

I'm so glad! It's been a very busy last two weeks-- we haven't had a simple evening at home with all of us together in the past eleven days-- and this is just what we need. I never thought I would be so happy about such winter-y weather on March 5th!

Yay for snow days!!


  1. Snow days are so much fun! Enjoy some coziness!

  2. It looks beautiful, but I'm kind of glad I'm not there to enjoy it in person.

  3. Lucky, lucky you! A snow day sounds pretty nice. I love having everyone home, it doesn't happen much. Hope you had a great day!!

  4. Hi Brietta! So, so glad that you had a together day! Love to you, Q

  5. I would be loving this snowy day too if R.Jay was able to stay home. Enjoy every minute. :)

  6. i kind of ignored your very smart advice.  i went to bed at 11:30... again.
    so much for catching up on sleep last night!

  7. RYC:  I make tortillas using the recipe from Hillbilly Housewife.  I love them, love them, love them.  The AP flour ones are also delicious.  Super easy to make and way more tasty than store bought tortillas.  Josh isn't one to notice little things at dinner time but he took one bite of his taco and asked if I'd made the tortillas.  He loves them now too.  And I would love to see your chore schedule if you don't mind.  The girls charts are ready to go but I need to put my work on paper too.    Thanks for offering! 
