Thursday, March 20, 2008

Some days

are more productive than others.

That's just the way it is.

On Tuesday, I washed, dried and folded all the laundry, cleaned both bathrooms top to bottom, scrubbed the kitchen thoroughly-- cooking hood, sink, top of the fridge, garbage pail, floor, outside of dishwasher, etc.-- bathed all the kids and trimmed every finger and toenail in the house, dusted and vacuumed downstairs, re-organized the kids' drawers (I have to do this often since my two biggest kids put away their own laundry and my littlest ones keep outgrowing certain things!), and sorted through shoes for Easter Sunday. All before lunchtime.

On Wednesday, Mom and I tackled pretty much every store our rural area has to offer. We shopped from 10am until 4:30pm and I returned home with everything from a new fall coat (for $8.98!!) to toothpaste to birthday gifts to paint for my bedroom walls.

Today, though?

Well, today I spent the majority of the morning calling about 20 different stores that supposedly sell Graco products, only to find out that Graco seems to sell a lot of products that actually aren't in any stores at all-- even though they say they are. That was frustrating in and of itself, but even more frustrating is that in the meantime, Aubrey has yet to be dressed for the day (not that she really cares, but she still gets so sweaty when she nurses that I hate to leave her in the same clothes for more than 12 hours), the kids went crazy until I finally resorted to TV as a means of occupying them so I could converse with generally pleasant but altogether unhelpful sales representatives, our dining table never even got washed after breakfast let alone lunch and now boasts crumbs and milk splatters from two meals, and the only chore for the day that I've accomplished is getting the laundry started.

As in: the first load is in the washer.

But it's OK. I think I'm actually starting to learn that life kind of works like this.

My phone calls are done and I could theoretically get really busy this afternoon trying to do the things I'd wanted to accomplish today, but I generally try to reserve the afternoon for resting, Bible-reading, and special time/projects with the kids-- and I don't want to abandon those very important things for less important things like cleaning my house. The best parts of this day will undoubtedly be when Daniel returns tonight and I can flop into bed (I've been up since 4am... but that's a whole 'nother story), but I am determined that there will be some pretty special moments between now and then, too. Figuring out what's really important and letting the other things go doesn't mean I'm being less productive; it just means I'm finally prioritizing.

And now Aubrey's done nursing and I'm finished with this re-evaluation: some days are just a different kind of productive.


  1.  Brietta I love reading your blogs about letting things go and not worrying about them. Some days are better than others for me. From the time I wake up I seem to be able to do so many things and other days I feel like I haven't done anything. I get myself into a panic thinking about all that I could have done. So when I read your blogs and see that many moms feel the same way I do it makes me feel better. Thank you for opening up your life and letting others read and learn from you.

  2. Personally I think it is so much easier to let stuff go when you know you have had a very productive day in the recent past. It kind of evens the scales, and makes you think that if it happened before, it will happen again, even if it's not today!

  3. I think I'm starting to learn to be exceedingly grateful for the productive days, rather than exceedingly grumpy about the other kind! Because you're right -- every week is made up of both kinds.

  4. What is it that you need from Graco??  Maybe I could help somehow

  5. That is the story of my life.  It is truly amazing how you can accomplish so much some days and struggle to get the basics done others.  BUT, it is just how it is.  And letting in not get the better of you is key. As you have done.  Relish in the joys the afternoon will surely bring you and look forward to the next day that you can proudly proclaim all that you were able to get done!
