Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Report from the Cardiologist


Yesterday we saw Aubrey's cardiologist in Syracuse for her 6-month check-up. She passed the exam with flying colors and many, many comments about how pink and alert and pleasant she is.

Aubrey weighed in at 12lbs11oz. She is growing steadily along the 3rd-percentile growth curve. Our string bean continues to come in at the 50th-percentile for height; yesterday she measured 25.5" long! Her head circumference is 16.25", which is in the 10th-percentile.

[Sometimes people ask why growth is such a big deal for Aubrey since she was born full-term and she's never been alarmingly small. The reason is this: the best indication of her body's blood circulation is continued and steady growth. Practically speaking, weight gain (or lack thereof) has the power to either delay or send a patient to surgery.]

The cardiologist said he would like to see Aubrey in 3 months when she is 9 months old. This will be the longest stretch between visits so far because she is doing so well!

As of now, Dr. Byrum anticipates that around Aubrey's 1st birthday they will begin looking more seriously at surgery and preparing for that. We found out yesterday that Aubrey's surgery is what is considered an elective surgery. In other words, she will not decline so quickly as to require a sudden operation, and there will be time for planning and plotting and scheduling. I am glad for this!

Along the way, we often find out after the fact the kinds of things God has protected Aubrey from. The more Aubrey grows and gets bigger and older, the less likely surgery of the sort that she will require (apart from a miracle) is to interrupt the electrical imuplses of her heart-- which would result in her needing a pacemaker put in. We've known that delaying surgery has been a blessing and that the cardiologists are very happy about this, but we are still finding out about the specific risks that are lessening because of this. It's been amazing to see how God has provided what we need even when we don't know what exactly to be asking for.

God is good!


  1. Praise God for the evidence of His hand in even the smallest of ways.  I love to look back at where we have been and see where He was working and we were not even aware.  "YEAH!" for all the growth and pure life that pours from this little girl. 

  2. What an encouraging report!   Aubrey is a miracle!  Amazing!ps:  I finally found this Millet you speak of, but I have yet to try it.  It smells good, and is wicked cheap!  I think I paid a whopping $.49 for almost a pound.

  3. What an encouraging report!! What a little miracle and testimony she is! I can't believe how big she's getting. Awesome:)
    Oh-I love the pink hat! Did you make it? I'm always wondering b/c Maygen's head is so small that getting a hat made for her head size seems like the logical thing to do.

  4. What a wonderful report!
    She is an adorable bundle of pink in that sweater/hat set. Who knits?

  5. I was thinking of her yesterday, trying to picture her rolling all around the floor, cooing and laughing and being "old". And I was just amazed. What a little miracle.

  6. hahah...I was retelling a story I had heard yesterday (which by the way you need to hear...) to a few of the guys and then we started talking about Aubrey and I was explaining to them how important it was that she gained weight and what a great "milestone" rolling over was, especially for her! They all got really excited and encouraged for your whole family! and I love every single picture that you post, thanks for sharing your family with us all :D

  7. Hallelujah!!  What an amazing testimony her life is and will continue to be!

  8. Praise the Lord!!

  9. What a great reminder the miracle of Aubrey is to all of us.  I love hearing how God is working and providing constant mini-miracles for her.  God has truly taken little Aubrey and your family and used you all as a tool to show God's goodness and mercy.  You will be blessed for your faith.  To God be the glory!
    She looks extra cute in pink

  10. @mom2mkei_2 - A friend of Jackie C. made the sweater/hat set for Aubrey when she was born.  It is beautifully made and incredibly soft.  I love it!

  11. Praise God!  He is so faithful!Wonderful news, and she gets more adorable every time I see her!

  12. What an amazing report! God's love and power is never ceasing-Aubrey is a true testiment of that!
    I love her bright, beautiful eyes, rosy cheeks and delicate features. She is such a lovely little princess!

  13. Very thrilled to hear the good news ~ she is so precious!

  14. I am glad to hear she is doing so well. And as for a string bean...send her over here. She'll fit right in with my kids, although the red hair may stand out.

  15. That is great she is doing so well! What a testimony of God's faithfulness this little girl has been and will continue to be. She looks so 'Sinclair' to me, cute!

  16. What a great report!!  And what a sweet, girly photo. 

  17. Great News, I love the pink sweater and hat, so so cute

  18. 3 months between visits is a nice, long stretch!!  What a great report!  Looking forward to meeting her soon!

  19. That is pretty cool. She looks great! Have a great day!AnDi
