Monday, March 3, 2008

Today's News

1. Aubrey rolled over for the first time!

(Yup, she's a little slower than most... but that's OK by this mama!)

2. is open! Check it out!


  1. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yay!!! how amazing!!! in class we're talking about emergency C-sections...I couldn't help but remember seeing you that day....and thinking "if I ever go through that...Jesus...please let me be as calm as Brietta was...." I just wanted to commend you for your strength through the entire emergency and especially in the perservernce and incredible love you've shown through the entire pregnancy, delivery, and her life...brietta...through Christ, you've changed so many women in unending positive're doing AMAZING!!! 

  2. Nothing wrong with slow!!  Ally didn't move until 10 months or later.  She didn't like to roll, inch worm, scoot and definitely would not crawl!!  Watch the next one crawl at 5 months, I won't know what to do!!

  3. Congratulations Aubrey!  She sure is doing great.

  4. So glad to hear about Aubrey!

  5. I wanted to make sure I came back and commented. Go Aubrey!! I know how much more milestones mean when we're talking about little one's who do not have a perfect bill of health. That is just wonderful!!!

  6. horray!  You know, Riley does have an advantage since his extra weight helps him gain momentum to roll!  We love your sweet girl and we pray for her "new heart" every day.
