Tuesday, March 25, 2008


I went into Easter weekend tired after a really bad night's sleep Wednesday night. By Sunday morning, I couldn't even pretend to hide the circles under my eyes with make-up and I was crying about dumb things, which really isn't typical. Fortunately, I figured that this ship called life would get righted once the holiday was behind us, providing me the rest I was really in need of.


Aubrey caught the cold/cough that Bronwyn had and by Sunday night was not doing very well. That night, the only way I found she would sleep was with me sitting almost completely upright while she lay on my chest. Needless to say, the only real sleep I got that night was during the hour and a half or so when Daniel volunteered to do the honors of being a Human Bed for Aubrey.

Last night was only marginally better. Aubrey slept in her carseat for about two whole hours before she woke and needed constant reassurances of my love and arms. She's doing a bit better with coordinating breathing and nursing around coughing, so at least last night was less restless since her belly wasn't quite so empty.

Napping hasn't really worked either, since Aubrey can't recline without an ensuing coughing fit. Not to mention that there's a baby shower here tonight for my friend (who's having twin boys, by the way!) and I'm too busy having fun getting ready for it.

On Sunday, I felt as though I was running on empty. At this point, I am officially running on fumes. And since I gave up drinking even decaf coffee except on special occasions, my only source of energy has been the chocolate malted eggs Daniel bought on clearance yesterday for me. Healthy, eh?

I keep telling myself that I'll soon get a chance to catch up. Mostly, though, I'm getting another lesson in learning to rely on His grace rather than natural means to get through each day. I know that if this is all the sleep I am getting, it must be enough, because He is always faithful to make sure that I have everything I need.


  1. "I know that if this is all the sleep I am getting, than it must be
    enough, because He is always faithful to make sure that I have
    everything I need."Don't you love that thought? I don't know how many bad attitudes it has saved me from -- bad attitudes that would have been totally unnecessary since, lo and behold, I did not die.  It helps me to give so much more cheerfully. Not always, but I'm a work in progress.

  2. He truly is all we need but some days it's a little hard to remember.  He is Good all the time!  Ah-h-h-h Motherhood it truly is a wonderful time and much too soon over.  We Love You and Yours

  3. Hi Brietta - Praying with you and for you - for sweet girl to feel better quickly, for rest for both of you, and for clear sight (seeing the Father there in it). Love, Q

  4. I so hear you.  I got a combined 3 hours of sleep Saturday night.  On Sunday morning, I was rushing so much to accomplish more than usual in a less than usual amount of time.  We made it... and sitting in church I started getting mad.  Why does this service have to be so early.. why do they make it impossible for young mom's to celebrate Easter.. why, why, why... lots of angry questions.  And when I sat and listened, the the reason for the celebration, the reason for the early service, the thoughts of Christ's unselfish love for me... it all just melted away.However, today I hit the brick wall of exhaustion and I napped and rested a LOT. 

  5. It sounds like Riley and Aubrey have a similar virus.  I spent most of the night with him propped in the crook of my arm or on my chest! 
    I'm so sorry that I missed that shower.  How did it go?  Do you have photos to post?

  6. Well if it makes you feel any better I would have never guessed you were so tired last night by your attitude and or how you looked. That was really special and fun to be at. Thank you for being such a great host! I hope you can get the rest you need, whether that's a little or a lot, but hopefully the latter! And that your little one starts to feel better soon.

  7. Isn't it soo tough to function without sleep?  Ugh.  Hopefully I'll get a moment soon to post about the issues relating sleep over here.
