Sunday, January 13, 2008


It's been warm and green here for a week or so now. Today, however, we're traveling to Syracuse for Aubrey's follow-up [to her PICU stay] appointment with the cardiologists and there are 2-4" of snow predicted.


Well, I suppose if I'm believing for a new heart for Aubrey, I can believe for good travel for us today, too. Right?


  1. It's probably headed north from here. We had a predicted 8" for last night, but ended up with less than two. So hopefully you will get the same!

  2. I will be praying for your trip and for a good report from the doctors.  I am reminded of that long trip you had to Syracuse during the early morning of Dec. 31.  I was concerned about Aubrey and concerned about you all needing to travel through the snow, but you got there safely and Aubrey got the medical attention she needed.  Every time I pray for Aubrey I have an overwhelming sense that God is saying that she will be fine, she will be healthy little girl and that she will grow to be a healthy woman.  I will continue to pray for the strength to walk victoriously through each day between now and the fulfillment of that promise.  You are doing a wonderful job of trusting God.  Please give Jackson a special birthday hug from me tomorrow.  I wish I could be there to share his special day.
