Sunday, January 20, 2008

Queen of My Castle

After saying good-bye to Daniel, I began to tackle my day. I interjected moments of nursing the baby, reading aloud, and reading for myself (a re-read of a favorite) in-between switching loads of laundry, loading and running the dishwasher, doing hair and changing diapers.

Now, more than four hours later, my morning tasks are complete. In addition, our dining table is set, awaiting the King of our Castle's return home from morning worship. A pot of warm potato soup simmers on the stove and a tray of buttermilk biscuits are ready to be popped in the oven at the sound of the car in the driveway.

I am not huddled under blankets in my bed, willing sips of water down my swollen and inflamed throat. I am not contagious, either (though whether or not other exposed members of the family are is something only time will tell). I am not croaking when I talk and my eyes are not blurry when I type.

Today, I am Queen of my castle again.

And it feels good.


  1. At Buckingham Palace,if the queen is "in", they fly the union jack from the highest flagpole. Maybe you should shake a dishtowel from the kids' bedroom window....Glad to hear you are feeling better!

  2. Funny how feeling well enough to do the little mommy or "queenish" things can be so rewarding. Glad you're feeling better. :0) Heidi

  3. That first comment gave me quite a good laugh.. I like it.Sounds like you're on your "A" game today!   Good for you - celebrate a day well done!   (I, for one, have been "off my game" the last few days... but we'll get there!)

  4. Yay!  So glad you are feeling better!

  5. Perfect picture!  Perfect Day!  What a very, very great day.  Love to All

  6. Please tell me how to make potato soup....I love it....just something I've never tried to make...
