Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Moving Ahead

I guess it's time.

To part with red and green. To say good-bye to knit stockings and electric candles and nativities. Even my excuse of having a baby in heart failure last week has officially reached overuse.

It's a new year. Did you know that?

My kids would be more sad about the departure of Christmas except that they're already counting down to various upcoming events. Gabriel will tell you if you ask that Jackson's birthday is followed by Valentine's Day, which is followed by his birthday, which is then followed up by Easter Sunday. These are the mile markers of winter and spring because they all involve sugar and/or presents, and therein lies the goodness of life when you're three or four or five years old.

Did you catch the fact that Jackson's birthday is next week, though?

He is the one child whose growing up takes me the most by surprise. I'm not exactly sure why, but I just feel like he should be my baby boy forever and ever. Unfortunately, these things don't work out the way I would like.

As proven by the fact that I'm having to think about celebrating his 2-year-old birthday.


So I've officially made tomorrow's To-Do List a single goal of removing the final traces of Christmas from our home. The tree has been gone for several days and the outdoor wreaths and candles in the windows were taken down today. Now I have to package all the festive little doo-dads (a Mom-name for small decorative items if I ever heard one) and once again wrestle with our storage closet to make it all fit until next December.

The good thing is that I'm slowly feeling ready to move on. Our holiday ended abruptly and I finished it in a state of exhaustion, but that was last week. It's a new week.

Oh yeah... it's a new year.

So I'm moving ahead, one step at a time. And I actually think it might be the best way to go, instead of my typical fashion of running headlong in a million directions before realizing that half of what I'm trying to do isn't what God would have me doing. He knows how to lead me much better than I know how to lead myself, that's for sure.


  1. We're on the countdowns too   Isaac's birthday is at the end of this month.... 6??  How is that right?  Then Nora's birthday is next in our family, in March, and she's going to be 3.  Somehow neither of those ages seem right.  I'm officially not the mom of lots of toddlers anymore as Liam is the only toddling one.  And don't even get me started on when he'll be turning 2... I don't know if I can take it!  How do you celebrate valentines day with your kids?  We haven't established a tradition yet that has stuck, it's been different every year.

  2. No one is thinking up a diagnosis as of yet.  But metabolic questions arise, hence the blood work.  I'm not too worried.  Sometimes I wonder if it's because I might not feed her enough nutritious foods, but then she'd be growing in length and just be skinny.  She's not really all that skinny; very proportioned.  Just small.  So who knows!?  I can't imagine drawing blood from someone as tiny as Aubrey!

  3. We're behind at the exact same pace, Bri! Today I finally "noticed" that my Christmas was all still up, and started the process of defrocking. It's all in a mountain on my dining room table, because the bins are out on the garage, and it's pouring rain. And who on earth would go out to the garage in pouring rain? (Especially with a toddling baby following right behind!)

  4. On Monday as she sat eating lunch, Bronwyn looked around and commented, "You don't have any Christmas!" I laughed. "You are right. I took it all down on Saturday!"
    Now ask me if it's back in the attic. I have a yearly tradition of leaving the bins in the upstairs hallway for at least one week before actually getting them up there!

  5. I finally finished putting everything back in it's proper place yesterday. Then I sat down and enjoyed my clean, organized house for the few minutes it remained that way. However, I am still fighting a mountain of laundry. Too many "special care" items piled up while I was away and an extra two (really three since I haven't done M's laundry in quite a few months) people keep it coming. I hope to be victorious in my quest to get to the bottom of the pile today. In the meantime I cannot quite grasp how it can already be January 9th. Although I rang in the new year with a few friends, it still seems like a blur. I need to get going with school again!

  6. You're certainly right, God is so much bigger than pregnancy pains!  I am confident that it will get better and even if it doesn't, holding that little one will wipe away 9 months worth of pain in a second!
    I am going to be seeing a chiropractor and I am also doing some streches that really help.  It makes such a difference if you are proactive in getting things under control!  More Dr.'s need to encourage it instead of teaching their patients that they are the end all know all.
    I love your new page by the way.  The kids picture is great.
