Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Can it be? For real? My baby boy is already two???


He is. For real. Today.

I love Jackson. So much. He has taught me lots, snuggled even more, made me laugh, and opened my heart in so many new ways in these past two years. When the Bible says that children are a blessing, it's true. Sometimes they're a blessing that puts a squeeze on my flesh and makes me wince over revealed self-occupation in me, but that, too, is a blessing.


:: loves trains and action figures and light sabers, all due to admiring a particular older sibling. He mimics most everything his big brother does and even tries to repeat what Gabriel says-- though he usually ends up settling for the last word or two in the sentence.

:: doesn't say much at all, other than what he's repeating. He's always been quieter than the others and the trend continues. However, not talking or making much noise does not mean that the boy can't communicate. He has a language all his own that's spelled f-o-r-c-e. Ask Bronwyn about the little brother who can take her out.

:: is tough, tough, tough. He doesn't get hurt easily and rarely cries about physical injury. His favorite games are football, wrestling, and "sword"-fighting.

:: has the strangest (and most delightful, in my opinion) eating preferences of any toddler I know. He doesn't like Thanksgiving dinner (yes! my genes have prevailed!) but will inhale a dinner of refried black beans on rice. Leaves the ham, takes the tuna curry. Prefers yellow peppers over baby carrots. It's all so unusual! Of course, he does enjoy a good hot dog, which seems to be a favorite of all my children.

:: stays on his "big boy bunk bed" (how's that for a tongue-twister?) pretty well-- much better than *ahem* other children of mine. He's been out of the crib since October (20 months old) and has only fallen out of bed once.

:: has the best smile in the world. No kidding. I love to make him smile just so I can see it. It's the kind of smile that makes you ache a bit because it's so wonderful.


Happy Birthday to my big little boy!


  1. Haha,Jackson and I share a birthday. He's so cute.

  2. Happy birthday, Jackson!
    Gosh, he sure is a cutie pie!  :)

  3. You are so right.
    That smile is killer.
    Happy Birthday, Jackson P!

  4. GREAT picture. What a special guy. Give him kisses from Aunt Danica!

  5. I can't believe he's 2?!??! Happy birthday Jackson!
    And you're right, children are such a blessing!

  6. He is a cutie to be sure! Happy celebrating!

  7. Happy Birthday to a special boy!

  8. Sounds like your boys and my boys share the same favorites...I personally enjoy watching Liam do his little toddler run around the house as fast as his chubby little legs can carry him, shouting and menacingly waving around a light saber at whoever is close enough to be his next victim Hope today is a special one!

  9. Our boys say HAPPY BIRTHDAY(!!) to yours. =)

  10. Hi Brietta! Happy Birthday to your precious boy, and "Happy 2" to you. It does fly, doesn't it? My little Mr S will be two on January 31, and I can't imagine how that happened!
    By the way, I just tagged you for a game. Visit my blog for details... Love, Q

  11. Such sweet, sweet words!  Happy Birthday Jackson!

  12. Happy Birthday Jackson what a sweet little boy!!!!!!!!! I love the hair

  13. Happy Birthday, Jack!  Give some hugs and kisses from Aunt Beth.  :)

  14. Happy Birthday to Big Boy Jack from Aunt Em, Uncle Larry, and the boys!

  15. Happy Birthday to a super smiley boy!  You're 2, yeah!

  16. I'm glad I made you laugh but a sore throat with white bumps sounds very painful.  I will be praying that you are healed quickly and that no one else in your home gets it.  I also pray you get a chance for a little extra rest.  I wish I lived close enough to stop over and bring the older children home with me so that you could rest and we could play!

  17. Happy Birthday to a sweet nephew.  I'm so sad that we missed seeing him on his birthday!  Abby
