Saturday, January 19, 2008


I've been tagged! For a while, actually. And now the problem is that most people have been tagged and I've got to come up with 7 more who haven't. That may be the challenge!

Anyway. On to random facts about myself, hopefully that are little known:

1. When I was about 9 years old I had a love affair with the name Julie. And I was crushed that my mom named me something that always made people ask, "And how do you spell that?"
(I'm over it now, for the record-- which you probably guessed since I named my own daughter Bronwyn.)

2. My favorite food smell is curry anything. Yum.

3. I was born without bottom wisdom teeth.

4. I had a passport and only used it once before it expired 5 years ago.

5. My reluctance in switching to all-natural cleaning products stems from the fact that I actually like the way toxic household cleaners smell. A whif of Mr. Clean = ahhhh.

6. I cried yesterday morning when I realized Gabriel was going to his very last WIC appointment. And not because we'll be getting less milk (which will actually be a blessing), but because it means he's almost five whole years old.

7. I'm terrible at shopping for clothes for myself. I cringe at the prices, can't figure out what I like, get overwhelmed by the options, and then quit before I really start. For someone who likes to shop for pretty much everything else (kids' clothes, household anything, gifts, etc.), this strikes me as odd.


Here are the rules for the game:
*Link to the person that tagged you
*Post the rules on your blog.
*Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself on your blog.
*Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.
*Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blogs.

I am tagging (and I apologize if you've already been tagged) Michelle, Greta, Abby, Kathy, Nancy, Jennie, and Emily


  1. I enjoyed reading those random facts. I was once reluctant to switch to eco-friendly/health friendly cleaners for the same reason but then I did a lot of good research on ingredients and what they can do to our bodies. I had to switch!
    And mmm! Curry! You don't happen to have any good Indian cuisine recipes, do you?    ;)
