Thursday, January 24, 2008


I know three days is a long time for me to go without posting to this here blog, so I thought I should say that I'm alive and well. I'm not even sick. (Daniel was throwing up yesterday, but not I.)

I've been busy at home. There was a lot of work to do to catch up from being sick last week. I've learned a lot in the last few months about making manageable lists of things to do and slowly and steadily tackling the heaps of work I've to do instead of trying to do it all in one day, which almost always ends with only half the list accomplished and me crying along with my kids who inevitably feel trampled and ignored when I do that. It's required working hard and consistently the last four days, but the laundry is caught up, all the bedsheets have been washed (twice, but that's an unpleasant story) and the beds re-made, the bathrooms cleaned right down to the drawer that holds the toothbrushes, the ironing mountain is gone, the kitchen and bathroom floors have been mopped, I've vacuumed and dusted and even made cookies. I couldn't do it all in one day-- unless I'd shipped the kids out or something-- but little by little, we've pulled ahead where we were previously behind and I've still had time to read stories to the kids, help build train tracks, and set up the dollhouse. It feels good.

The other reason I haven't written much is because my laptop died a few weeks ago and it's getting harder and harder to find inspiration to write during the times when Daniel's laptop is home. Last night, I went to bed with a book at 8:30pm because I was exhausted. I could have written something, but I read and slept instead. A girl's got to have her priorities and as therapeutic as writing is for me, it wasn't the thing to do last night.

So that's all. Just me, doing a lot of homemaking and not very much writing.


  1. Good for you!  I am glad you got some sleep and some reading time in.  I am trying to do the gradual cleaning and catching up as well.  There are days I can barely walk so the thought of going up and down the stairs to do laundry is painful. I hate not having everything in order but I am learning, slowly, that it's life and life will go on with or without my house dusted and cleaned to par.  I do wish that life would just stop and let me catch up but since that is not possible I will have to let go and relax!  I hate life lessons like these:)

  2. Hi Brietta :) Cheering for you here - it's such a joy to catch up, isn't it? And I loved this part of your notes..."I've been busy at home." That is a wonderful encouragement. Love to you, Q

  3. No official word on the VBAC yet, but my appt is on Monday so I should know more after that.
    I would LOVE to talk about specific situations and how I deal with them. I am so confident in this area now since ERIC is an expert and has been an AWESOME example for me. Just this morning we had a great incident worth sharing. Well, not "great" in the sense that I like to see my kids acting up, but "great" in the sense that it was an excellent training opportunity.
    I have one who is much like Gabriel, so we may be able to really encourage each other! Do you plan to go to the mom's meeting on Monday? I believe it's at your mom's house.
