Thursday, January 17, 2008

Sick... Again

Bronwyn and I have strep throat. She has it worse than me, probably because she's been sick since Sunday evening and I've only been sick since Tuesday night. The poor girl's tonsils are "kissing," as the nursing student said today at the doctor's office. She hasn't eaten in two days, though fortunately she sips at her cup of milk throughout the day.

Me? I'm struggling to force down cups of herbal tea and bowls of chicken broth-- keeping my milk supply up is enough of a motivating force for that, but not much else.

I have a strong distaste for the seeming overuse of antibiotics in our culture (to our overall detriment). Add to that how prone my babies and I are to thrush, and you have one girl who cringes at the thought of taking some myself. When I had mastitis in December, it was the first time I'd taken antibiotics since... well... goodness... maybe since I had an ear infection as a baby??? I consoled myself with the fact that taking antibiotics every 25 years is definitely not considered overuse.

But here I am, with a baby who has congenital heart disease, and I am finding myself living the "exception to the rule" that I have so strongly clung to. Concessions have been made to the fact that we are no longer the average American family with healthy children who have healthy constitutions. I've had to re-work my personal approaches to vaccinations, medications, frequency of dr.s appointments, and more, based on the fact that I have a little girl who can. not. get. sick.

More frustrating than taking antiobiotics, though, is simply how much time my family has spent "under the weather" in the past year. I feel as though I lived most of 2007 watching Daniel struggle to juggle children, house, and ministry while I was stuck on the bed or the couch; I don't particularly relish the thought of doing this any more-- for a long time.

And so I am praying that the Lord would heal us and put an end to health issues.


  1. I'm sorry to hear you 2 are under the weather!  Rest and get well.  When I get a chance I'm going to e-mail you about some vitamins Jake and I take, we have yet to get sick this winter.

  2. I know I've told you the story about me and my firm stand on OB ultrasounds.
    I think my exact words to my friend Judy were, "12 week rupture or not, I will certainly NOT be having weekly ultrasounds. That's all there is to it."
    By the end I definitely had no less than 40.
    Can you picture it?
    I know your heart, so I will be praying with you for no more sickness in 2008.
    He will carry you. Get better soon.
    Poooooor little Bronwyn!!!

  3. P.S. My point with the whole ultrasound story was that we don't always get our way, and through it all, the Lord knows what's best. He is going to protect you guys whether you are on antibiotics once, twice, or ten times. He loves you and is your protector and healer. I'm thankful for Aubrey and what He has brought her through already. I sat weeping at the sound of her cry on Sunday because I know what it does to her little heart. I just know the Lord loves her so much and wanted her to live for such important reasons. I'm so thankful.

  4. Oh, that stinks! Being sick is so hard, esp. when you have little kids. I hope you feel better soon!

  5. How yucky for you!  Hope you feel better soon!

  6. Hope you all feel better (and stay better!) soon and return to perfect health.

  7. I can understand having to soften on areas such as medical ones.  I preached nursing and healthy eating and little to no immunizations to everyone.  I stood my ground that amongst other beneifts, this would all reduce, greatly, the chances of allergies. Wouldn't you know, Abram is severly allergic to all nuts.  And sensitive to other foods.  We have to be very careful.  It was so humbaling for me because it felt like such a smack in the face.  Was I wrong all along?  No.  I truly think that he would be even more allergic to foods and other things had I not been so cautious.  And having studied allergies a bit more I have learned that many immunizations can be terrible for allergy prone kids.  Thank the Lord He gave me the insight to not have him immunized before I ever knew Abram would be allergy prone. 
    Lisa is right.  He knows our heart.  He knows that we want what is best for our families.  Sometimes, all the time, the means letting God work and stretch us in areas we thought we already had figured out.
    A side note, still somewhat on subject; Our church has dinners twice a week.  The fellowship is wonderful and the way God works through that time is amazing.  What does this mean for me?  My family has to eat less than perfect food by even the average American's standard, much less mine.  I have to trust that Velveta cheese and tator tots won't kill us.  God will protect our bodies as we use this time to grow with other believers.  Some nights it is really hard for me.  I thank the Lord that HE is an almighty God and is protecting us!
