Monday, October 15, 2007


Under orders to not let Aubrey get too worked up, Daniel and I faithfully attend to our baby's faintest cries. Aubrey, being a very smart 1-month-old, has figured out that crying is her ticket to my arms and is now taking full advantage. For the most part, I gladly comply; the birth and growth of three children before her is slowly but surely teaching me how fleeting these days are and that no amount of "spoiling" will mean she won't move on from this constant need for me in time.

However, I have other children to care for, too. And these children have to be dressed each morning, expect to be fed at least three times a day, fall and have boo-boos that need my attention, misbehave and require discipline, and more. I am finding that I don't have enough hands for this small brood, at least not when my little bundle thinks her permanent place is with me.

During the brief times when Aubrey is sleeping in her bed or in her carseat (I am not much of a "gadget" person, so I don't own a baby swing or sling, and the vibrating baby seat that rescued me on many occasions when Gabriel, Bronwyn, and Jackson were babies is broken), you can find me frantically doing laundry, washing dishes, making PB&J, brushing my teeth, making my bed, and cleaning bibs that are crusted with food from the last meal (or two). Otherwise, I'm here on the couch or pacing the floor, snuggling my newest snuggler.

And while I'm undoubtedly doing a great job at making sure Aubrey doesn't cry too long and too hard for her little heart to handle, I think I am surely on my way to a tizzy of my own!

(Believe me, another week like this and I will probably be trying every baby gadget ever made!)


  1. I would strongly suggest you get a carrier/sling. Check second-hand stores if you'd rather not spend for a brandnew one. Hope your sanity doesn't get the best of you.....

  2. I wholeheartedly agree that you need a sling! If you would like, I have a Moby wrap that I no longer use that I'd be happy to lend you. It has a bit of a learning curve but once she's in it, she will be secure and snuggled right to you. Lauren slept many days away, happily wrapped up to me.

    Let me know if you are interested. I'd be happy to bring it over and show you how to wrap it. Or if you want to send someone to get it, the Moby Wrap website has directions for wrapping.

  3. Oh and I have a bouncer seat and a swing that we are not using any longer, if you're interested in gadgets.

  4. Oh - I was just going to say, "How about a moby wrap?" when I saw that you already got that advice. Well, I'll advise it anyhow. :) It's so comfortable and wonderfully snuggly. Yes, it is a little daunting at first, but very worth the effort of learning how to use. Check it out! (

  5. Take Jackie's stuff, woman!  You need to rest too and believe me, baby Aubrey will enjoy gadgets just as much as you!!

  6. Your home looks so pretty with the fall colors in the background:) Just thought you should know in case you didn't already, haha

  7. I absolutely LOVE the new profile pic.
    It is a nice yellow house indeed.

  8. P.S. And as far as tizzies go, I think I had one daily when Avery and Riley first came home. Especially when Avery choked, gagged, and took 45 minutes to bottle one ounce. At times I was convinced that he was doing it on purpose so he wouldn't lose me to Riley or one of the older three. It's hard to imagine, but you'll look back one day and laugh.

  9. I can probably mail you an Ergo if you're interested. There's not much of a learning curve at all and you can do almost everything short of gymnastics and swimming without feeling like she's going to fall out. Front, hip, or back. I wear my 3yo, 2yo, and 8mo in it (one at a time, of course) with practically no adjusting required. And it's comfy. I wear my 2yo in it the entire 45 minute worship time at church and hardly notice the weight. Just let me know if you want me to get you one. I know someone who is selling her's used.

  10. I was thinking before Aubrey was born that maybe you'd like to try a sling or something with baby #4. I mean, wow. Four little guys! So, try Jackie's, but also, I have a standard sling -- with rings and such, as opposed to the Moby style -- that I can send home with Mom and Julia. I started using it too late with Jameson -- he was just too big -- but I liked it for those few weeks!

  11. I don't know how much she's selling for. I do know that it is the deep red colored one. I'll ask her and get back to you!

  12.   There was a coach who was frustrated with his team who was on their way to the championship  but lost to an inferior team because their minds were on the big game and not on the game right in front of them.  So he started to tell them to remember W.I.N.  What's Important Now!  He'd tell them, "Forget the championship.  Focus on the game at hand; that's what's important now." I used to think of this coach when I would be so overwhelmed with too many  jobs and not enough me.  Do what's important NOW, Helen!  There's a lot of stuff that can be let go.  Close the bedroom door; your husband and the children don't care if the bed is unmade.  Use paper plates.  Wash only the pillowcases.  No one will know!

  13. I second the notion for an Ergo....they're great :)

  14. these moments certainly are fleeting aren't they? i am amazed that your house can still appear spotless!!! I hope you enjoy discovering new gadgets. :)

  15. I know you've already gotten a bunch of ideas, but I heartily recommend the Ultimate Baby Wrap. It's only $40, and it is AMAZING. It holds the baby-- from infant on up-- super securely, hands free for mom, and it is machine washable, diaper-bag stuffable, and my favorite baby gift EVER. I know at least five other people that --after they saw mine-- are completely sold on them as well! And since it's all stretchy soft material, it's super comfy for you and the baby. :) (looks for "ultimate baby wrap" on amazon or google.) It's seriously amazing. I can't recommend it enough.

  16. Oh and if you lived closer...I would certainly bring you some long as it turns out ok:)

  17. Gosh Brietta! What a good guess about Abby's birth date, haha:) Props to you.

  18. I am really liking your theory with Abby and her always having her babies on Tuesdays...  Austin and Ashlyn were both born on Wednesday and today (Wednesday) was the original date that the Dr guessed this little guy would be born...  Dare I even hope that today could be the day?! LOL  Then again, there are a few more Wednesdays to come....  *sigh*   

  19. I don't know what I would do without the swing we have. The swing and vibrating papasan chair were given to us free... otherwise this cheap mom would be gadget free too. Annabelle has been known to go hours content in that swing. I highly recommend one... especially if Aubrey is like my girl...wanting to be in motion constantly. Just thought I'd add my two cents. :) Hope you guys are doing well!!!
    So did Abby have her baby?
