Saturday, October 6, 2007

6 Years




They've been amazing years.

And today we are celebrating by being home with our children.

I wouldn't trade our plans of just being for anything else in the world.

After all, I realize more and more each day how much I really do like just being with him.


  1. We thought this morning, "Boy, it's Bri and Daniel's anniversary. Huh. We really think they need to get away, just the two of them... Hey! Maybe we can send them to Syracuse for an overnight! Oh! And maybe the Marotta's can find a place for them to stay, just to save on cash... Oh, this is turning out to be a great plan!"

    Whaddya think?


  2. Happy Anniversary Daniel and Brietta :):)

  3. Happy Anniversary!  What a joy and a delight to be HOME with ALL the CHILDREN!!!!  God is Good All the Time!  We love you!  Gram

  4. Congratulations... what a wonderful way to celebrate.

  5. So glad ya'll can celebrate with your family reunited at home!!!! That's gotta be pretty special.

  6. Wow. Six years... has it really been six already? Happy Anniversary... what a fun way to celebrate. :)

  7. Happy Anniversary!  How perfect that you are all home together again just in time for this day. 

  8. Congratulations!!! On all fronts! What a blessed life!
    love you!

  9. :) yay. six years is quite an accomplishment! we had seven last month i still can't believe it. where does the time go?!

  10. welcome home! i am so happy to hear the great news of 6 years, and 3 weeks old=)

  11. Happy (belated) anniversary. What a picture of contentment, that all you want is to just be together. You definitely got that wish, didn't you? I hope you had a wonderful, blessed day.

  12. Happy anniversary, a couple of days late!! : ) I also find it really hard to believe that you and Daniel have been married for 6 years...time really zips along.

    I hope that things are going well there with little miss Aubrey at home and the whole fam together!

  13. Your sister is funny.....
    We had a prophetic statement at the youth conference last summer, where the speaker said, what usually would take six years would now take six months...could you imagine all that has happened in your last 6 years happening in 6 months????  To us those 6 years seem so short...We waited 9 years to have a first child, on purpose.  We were crazy.  Children mature US.  Love you guys.  Glad everyone is home. 
