Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The Randomness

:: I feel today as though we are inching our way back to structure and routine around here.

Not Aubrey, of course. No, she's all over the map and for now I'm just glad she knows that nighttime is for sleeping.

I mean us. Daniel & me. And the kids.

We're figuring out how life with Aubrey works. And how it doesn't. And it feels good just to know a bit more about what to expect (or not expect) in a given day.

:: My milk supply is back to where it needs to be for now and I am also armed with a No-Fail plan for whenever it needs to go up even more. Lactation consultants are wonderful people.

:: Aubrey weighed in today at 8lbs even. (She's also 21" long and her head is 13.5", for those who are into details. The weight is the all-important stat.) This is a 4oz gain in the last 8 days, and since 1/2 an ounce to 1 ounce a day is the typical newborn growth rate, I am pleased. She's still below the 5th percentile, but we're making progress.

:: I am feeling really and truly good today. If I walk too much-- like I sometimes do with my fussy baby in the evening hours-- my incision still feels painful, but otherwise I can honestly say I feel like my normal self. (Well, besides the ridiculous exhaustion resulting from being awake for 45-60 minutes of every 2-3 hours each night.)

My heart is more sure today. It seems that in these past 6+ weeks, every low point has been followed by an even stronger confidence in His nearness and goodness as He tenderly watches over me and shows Himself able on my behalf.

And the only moment all day long when I thought I would scream was when I arrived home from the lab (blood draws for Aubrey & I) and I received my first ever jury summons. Like this is what I need right now!

:: My menu for the week is planned and I did the appropriate grocery shopping today. I planned lots of very simple foods (quesadillas and chicken pot pie and the like) and I'm still not sure if execution will take place each day, but I've got a plan anyway. My one lofty ambition in the kitchen is to peel, slice & freeze the bags of Cortland apples sitting in my laundry room. We'll see how I do.

:: I have two sisters who have made these past few weeks work. I don't know what I would do without them. One of them has come over every night Daniel has been out to help me with getting the kids to bed.

Yes, I feel spoiled.

And I feel more certain than ever that family is truly a God design, because only He could think of something so wonderful.

:: Today my favorite verse is Isaiah 32:17.

The work of righteousness will be peace,
And the effect of righteousness,
quietness and assurance forever.


  1. that's great. isn't it nice to feel good about life?

  2. We missed you last night, but we were able to pray for you all.
    We read Peace is a Person to conclude the night. It was truly a blessing.
    Thanks for sharing it!

  3. The only times I was called for jury duty except for once I think, was when I was nursing babies!  It is a valid excuse though.  They will let you out, especially with one with medical needs like Aubrey.
    You are really encouraging me to write, more like you do, with feeling.  Maybe I'll have something new up soon, my baby will be 3 this Friday!

  4. It is wonderful that things are starting to get back to "normal" for you. I think I felt the same way when I got my first jury summons, when I was eight and a half months pregnant...but as was mentioned in another comment, they will let you postpone your jury duty (at least in WI) until you are no longer nursing.

  5. Wow! Aubrey is almost exactly the same size my children are when they are born, except mine are heavier! I know you know what I'm talking about, because you had bigger babies, too. Right?

    Did you get the Ergo insert yet? I FINALLY got it in the mail!

  6. I felt "spoiled" last year when Peter was born - our two families both live within 25 minutes of our home and they helped me tremendously. Other friends of mine were having babies with no extended family around at all. And yet, it was important for me to recognize God's blessing - the "normalcy" of it in God's economy. Otherwise I started to feel guilty for all the help, saying things to myself like, "You should get your act together so they don't have to help you so much," or, "What is your problem!? So and so is doing fine and she doesn't have anyone to help her!" - condemning lies that I had to identify and ignore. Instead, rest, relax, and savor the service of your big family.

    Thoughtfully ...
