Thursday, October 4, 2007

3 Weeks Old And

right where she belongs...

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God is so good to us.


  1. What a beautiful sight! Thank you, Lord! (As excited as we are, we won't stop praying either...)

  2. We've all been waiting for this post!!  You're right, God is so good!

  3. Congratulations!! That's exciting news that you can all be reunited again and finally get to welcome Aubrey home... the pictures are beautiful!

  4. YAYYYYY!!! I am THRILLED for you. I am sure you are so happy, relieved, thrilled, etc. Enjoy the first days home with your baby! They are so fleeting.

  5. Hooray! Your mom said her homecoming was looking imminent. So happy you are finally all together. Still praying in MN...

  6. ooooh! She is home? And you all are together at home? How wonderful!

    Like I said, we serve a God of miracles.


  7. Our God is so good!  What a thrill to see Aubrey in the arms of her big brother and big sister.

  8. I'm so glad to see that you're all at home together! Praise God!!!

  9. I was overcome with joy when Mom called today to tell us you were bringing her home! I'm so thrilled to know that your whole family can be together now.

  10. YYYEEAAA! We had a little guy in the NICU for 2 weeks in the summer and it felt so awesome to have him finally home. Continuing to pray for you and beautiful Audrey! :0) Heidi

  11. YEA!!!!!!!!

    I love her so much, and wish I was there to hold her.

    Uncle Bruce

  12. Yay!!! So good to see them together! What an answer to prayer and what an amazing God we love!

  13. I must say, I was OVERWHELMED with how PROUD I suddenly was of those little people who have been so patiently and excitedly awaiting your arrival. For days, they have loved her and prayed for her and shared their beloved parents with her -- a sister they had yet to meet.

    What wonderful little treasures you have!

  14. Hey Brietta! It's Marissa...Anthony's sister. I know I don't really know you, but I've been praying for you guys over the past three weeks. It's so great to see little Aubrey finally home! And all of your kids are absolutely adorable!

  15. Welcome home, precious baby! Brietta, we are rejoicing with you and keeping you in our prayers. Love, Q

  16. Welcome Home Baby Aubrey!!  Your little family must be so excited to be back together.  What good big brothers and sister Aubrey has!  Still praying!!

  17. What a wonderful update!!


  18. That is fantastic news! I know how relieved I was when Bethany came home from the NICU...and we only lived 10 minutes away! You must be ecstatic. Enjoy your first days together as a family. We will keep praying for that miracle.

  19. Brietta, you have all been in our prayers. I'm Ben and Derek's sister, and I would like to say your walk through this has been such an encouragement even to my faith. Your baby is beautiful. God is good!  
