Friday, October 26, 2007

In the Midst

Today is peaceful.

Aubrey ate well at 11am and has been asleep since. I will wake her in a few minutes to eat again. This is a much better scenario than when she doesn't sleep or eat well and fusses for hours on end.

All four children (did I really write four? 'Cause I still can't believe that I have four kids!) and I went outside for 30 minutes or so after lunch. Mealtime had run late and being outdoors also meant naptime would run late, but such a diversion was simply too irrisistable: the sky is idyllically blue, the leaves are crunchy, and the sun is warm. And being outside as three little people scampered about, laughing and running and exploring, and the fourth slept calmly and soundly, I felt the peace of normalcy wash over me.

I'm afraid this week I have grown dangerously myopic in my outlook. A beautiful landscape, enjoyable playtime, and smiling faces have reminded me that life is not all doctors & hospitals, medicine, breast pumps, and battling fear, though my pessimism would like me to believe so.

Yes, today, I am reminded in a thousand little ways of God's goodness. He doesn't just bring us through difficult times; He meets us right where we are and brings beauty in the midst.


  1. Please take care of yourself.  You are precious to so many people (many of them surround you).  The children are wonderful and beautiful.  We will hold you all up in prayer for He is Good!  Love to All!  Gram

  2. That is great Aubrey is doing so well today. And it truly is amazing what a little fresh air outside can do, isn't it? I am dying for Asher to wake up so I can go for a walk with him. Enjoy this beautiful day and know that you are in our prayers.

  3. Had I not been driving a truck FULL of kids home from CFA, I so would have stopped and held the baby. And "helped" you by occupying her while you put the others down for naps. :~) Or read to the older three while while you nursed. Or something! (Can you tell I'm anxious to get over there?)

  4. ah yes. getting outdoors in the fresh air and sunshine is such a wonderful thing. :) I love the sound of the crunchy leaves!
