Sunday, October 28, 2007

My Cuties

Gabriel displaying his newly homemade St@r W@rs action figures:

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(notice the blue & red light sabers)

Bronwyn as a bride:

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(her ambitions right now are to one day be a bride and a mama)

A classic Jackson expression:

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(I can't ever decide if he looks more frightened or shell-shocked when he does this)

A couple Aubrey expressions:

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Oh! how I love these little ones!


  1. I cannot believe Jackson is that big already.I think my girl Sarah is only a few days younger than him,and when I see how 'old' he looks it makes me alittle sad--because I know she is not far behind him :( It just goes WAY too fast!! Your little Aubrey is precious Brietta,her dress is too cute ):) I miss seeing you,friend!

  2. Oh my goodness! How precious! That Aubrey dress is so darling!!! Where did you get that and what is she wearing on her feet? oh how cute! Rick and I recently saw a real real cool light sabre and thought and talked of Merrick and Gabriel. I said if I could get it I would-the thing is huge, though, so I am not sure they'd be able to handle it yet. Kudos to you for Bronwyn's aspirations. Must mean you are doing a great job at what you do!!! :) Jack looks like your Daniel I think, but that picture/look is so so cute!  

  3. Oh my goodness- I gush every time I see these beautiful children! All of the pics are wonderful.   :)

  4. How blessed you are to have such a perfect family... What great pictures

  5. These are so great! Bronwyn is positively beaming in her bride outfit - how cute! : )

    What color are Aubrey's eyes? They look so dark in these pictures, but of course, they can't be brown...?? They definitely don't look blue.

  6. That is fun and it gives me hope that I CAN indeed have 2 in once if there are some who are having 3 and now 4 at once to take care of. I remember when I was a teen, and I watched 4 little ones that OBVIOUSLY were not mine. It was not too bad because the older ones helped me know where everything was, and it turned out being quite fun. A little crazy but they were good kids. So I can do 2. Alright well the family is looking good. Have a great day and TAKE IT EASY!


  7. I have to know where you got that outfit on Aubrey!!

  8. What great pictures!  I'm getting very excited about seeing all of you soon.
