Monday, October 1, 2007

October 1st

I can hardly believe a half a month has disappeared. Unbelievable.

Aubrey continues to do well. On Saturday night she weighed in at 7lbs 8.6oz. The nurses tell us that's normal considering the fact that her IV was completely weaned 2 days ago (she still has it in for another day to make sure she's eating lots before they pull it) but she just yesterday evening started getting enough breastmilk to maintain her weight (44cc). Every shift they up her feeding by 3cc, so she should start gaining weight more quickly now.

As Aubrey gets better at taking a bottle, she's also getting somewhat frustrated by the extra effort and work breastfeeding requires. It means that feedings are a bit of a fussier and lengthier process (close to an hour), but I'm blessed to have been surrounded by nurses who are as committed to Aubrey breastfeeding as I am. The cardiologists don't want to send Aubrey home until they are confident that she is doing well with breastfeeding, so there has been talk about me spending the night here at the NICU soon so I can do 'round the clock feedings.

There is still no "go home" date and we still aren't sure what the plan after discharge will be. We know that there will be frequent trips back here for check-ups and testing, but we don't know how frequent. We know that the surgery is planned for within Aubrey's first 6 months and that one cardiologist mentioned possibly wanting to operate before the winter months set in, but don't know what exactly that means. We know that we will have to guard Aubrey against sickness of any kind, but we don't know just how serious the common cold could be for her.

We do know that our God is a God of miracles. The fact that Aubrey's respiratory rate has come down to 60-80 breaths a minute without any intervention by doctors is the work of the Lord. The fact that Aubrey's body oxygenation/saturation levels are always 85-100% is amazing to everyone who sees or hears about her and is a testimony to God's keeping power. And so we continue to pray that the Lord will touch her and right every part of her that is confused and mixed up.

And we pray that her miracle will cause even doctors and nurses to acknowledge the grace of God.


  1. When i had to suppliment with the bottle for Lois, she got fussy about nursing but eventually she learned to do both with out problem. Aubrey will too. Kids are so smart.
    Praying or you guys

  2. Hey there.. sounds like you are doing well. I am sure you are anxious to get home to your other kids and normal life as well. Hang in there; you're doing great! And it sounds like Aubrey is improving so much. That's wonderful.

  3. What an amazing, powerful God we serve.

    I am so thankful for Aubrey's health and for the amazing testimony her life is already.

    We're still praying here too!

  4. God is so kind. Lots of people in Indiana are praying for you and Daniel and Aubrey. Miss ya lots!


  5. The miracles continue! Praise His Name!  Love to All, Gram Paladin

  6. Your family is such a testimony there! Even if you never see the fruit in this life, know that seeds are being planted. God will provide ones to water later, and others to reap in the proper time.

    What a miracle Aubrey is! I cannot help but think of how God uses our "broken" hearts, though, since it's a greater testimony of His power made perfect in our weakness. Aubrey's little heart is "broken" in the eyes of the doctors, and yet she lives! That is the power of God.

  7. Amen! You're in our prayers. We love you guys so much!

  8. Heard from Abby you guys are coming home! Congrats & praise God:) I was talking to Anthony via Facebook the other day & we said how fun it would be to have a TR sort of reunion....however impossible it may be with everyone pregnant & due & busy. We have lives for goodness sakes! But I do miss you guys & hope to someday meet your other 3 children:) We shall see what God has in store. Keep the pictures coming!
