Wednesday, October 24, 2007

A Report

We have been to the doctor everyday this week and there is another appointment scheduled for tomorrow morning. I'm hoping we'll get the weekend off, though at least the reports at each appointment have been getting better and better as we go.

Aubrey saw one of the cardiologists in Syracuse today and passed her exam with flying colors. He commented several times on how good she looks. Her color and alertness are excellent and her EKG results were normal. The medications she's on are working well and he isn't changing a thing for now. The only improvement he could recommend is more growth-- in his words, "she's a little pokey"-- though he certainly isn't alarmed by the fact that she's just now reached 7lbs 14oz (I assume this is because he deals with cardiac patients everyday and is accustomed to slower growth patterns).

The cardiologist also told us that he, the other three cardiologists, and the pediatric cardiology surgeon "conferenced" about Aubrey recently. This involved discussing her heart and possible surgical procedures to correct it. Bottom line: they aren't sure what they want to do. Better bottom line: they don't have to know right now because she's stable and healthy. They'll see her in a month and if she's grown better than this past month, they'll consider spacing out her appointments even more.

God is watching out for Aubrey and we are still praying for a miracle for her.

Things on my front aren't looking quite so peachy, unfortunately, but I'm hopeful that we'll discover nothing major tomorrow morning when I see the doctor who performed the section (my doctor is a family doctor so she wouldn't have done the section even if she'd been in town). I've passed a good deal of tissue lately, my lower abdomen is increasingly tender and swollen, and my incision has been "burning" quite a bit. A sonogram yesterday didn't show any remnants of the placenta or anything, so I may find out that it's as simple as me overdoing things. I don't know how that's possible since I feel like I'm doing nothing, but one never knows.

What I do know is that I think the original design for getting babies out is far better than the emergency design. I'm glad to have made (and be making) this sacrifice for my beautiful little girl's well-being, but nothing besides my child's life on the line could induce me to go through this again.

This from a mom who has had 2 multi-day labors and 12 stitches after her first baby was born. Trust me, it's still better.

In addition, I'm having milk supply issues because of Aubrey's poor nursing habits. This is stressful for me, which doesn't help. The pump is in action full-time around here; I'm hoping for a turn-around on this front in the next couple days.

All in all, we are moving forward and finding grace for every season. The Word of God is becoming more and more precious to me as I find that the fears, emotions, and stresses of this season are much bigger than me but not bigger than His promises. My heart soars and crashes more times in a day than I can even count and still He is steadfast and immovable.

The Anchor holds.

Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.  --Matthew 11:28-29

Hear my cry, O God; Give heed to my prayer. From the end of the earth I call to You when my heart is faint; Lead me to the rock that is higher than I. For You have been a refuge for me, A tower of strength against the enemy. Let me dwell in Your tent forever; Let me take refuge in the shelter of Your wings.  --Psalm 61:1-4


  1. I was so glad to hear the news from Mom today that Aubrey's appointment went so well! We're still praying, and trusting in the Rock that is higher.

    I absolutely agree about the whole c-section thing - I cannot fathom why anyone would do this voluntarily. I'm praying for you and hoping that you don't have to go through any more discomfort to help your recovery.

    Your faith is encouraging to me!

  2. confusion was that I assumed you were at a follow-up for yourself,
    not in Syracuse w/ Aubrey! I figured it out when Lore brought me up to speed.
    anyway, glad to hear a great report.
    praying for you.
    love you.

  3. Hi Brietta :) So, so glad to hear the good news about Aubrey. You have been in my thoughts and prayers so often - as you adapt to so much, as you heal, as you live the days, as you rejoice. I will be lifting you up as you see the doctor - and also as you deal with nursing issues. Love to you! Q

  4. It's wonderful to hear that Aubrey's check-up went well. She is still very much in my heart and prayers!
    As far as your cesarean-related problems, I had all of the same issues, after the cesarean to deliver Corinne and Natalie. I couldn't believe the amount of tissue (and especially the size) that I passed but I was assured that it was completely normal. It is very common in moms who overdo it, once they return home, especially breastfeeding moms (since it triggers the hormones). I certainly agree that the original plan for giving birth is WAY better!
    What can I do to help you/your family?

  5. I'm so excited to hear the good report.  Your faith through this storm has been an encouragement to me and to many.  I am praying for you and for wisdom for the OB as you see him today.

  6. Yay for the good reports for both of you!!! 
    I guess I must have had a totally different experience with a c-section than most everyone else.  Everyone's different, right?  Since I had the emergency C with my first child, I know nothing of the ins and outs of God's original design for birth and even intense labor, so I can't compare.  But I have to say, in complete honesty, my C wasn't bad at all.  At least that's what I conclude from everyone elses experiences.  I had minimal pain, minimal bleeding, no incision problems and needed no pain medication after leaving the hospital.  I could see someone having an experience similar to mine wanting to repeat it.  I have every intention (and will pray for the entire 9 months!) of following the original design for the next time though, like you said!! 

  7. So glad to hear the good news about Aubrey! God is so faithful. Remember to take care of yourself too:)

  8. It is so good to hear Aubrey's good report. Hopefully, you will get a good report at your appointment, as well. My experience with cesareans is that doing anything at all before the incision has healed completely causes bleeding to get worse...and honestly, in one of your recent posts when you were mentioning the things you were doing around the house made me wonder how you could be doing so much right after a cesarean. I was definitely able to do a lot more, and sooner, after having Nathanael than after the other two. And I agree with you wholeheartedly that the original design for birth is far better.

  9. Great to read about Aubrey's good report. I hope you have just such a positive one after your appointment today. I am guessing you may be overdoing it just a bit.   I had two c-sections but, to be honest, they were too long ago for me to remember what it was like post-op.

  10. Soooo glad to hear the great update on Aubrey.  We will continue to pray for Gods hand -knowing that is all she needs.  Will also be praying for your health and recovery.  (((hugs)))

  11. Thank you for the full report.  This has been a hard road for you guys, but watching you walk it has been amazing.  You and Daniel have demonstrated faith and trust in a way that inspires me. 
    I am totally with you on the C section thing!  I feel SOOO much better now than I did weeks after Aidan's birth.  Let us know what you find out.  I'll be praying!

  12. What powerful verses that speak such truth.  Keep pressing on, He is so good.

  13. I'm sure you're doing more than you think you are!  You have 4 children under 6!!!  And nursing, visiting drs, traveling and not sleeping!  Surgery takes a lot out of a person, and no one will think less of you if you let some things at home(housework) go for a bit so you can heal faster!  I'll pray for your healing too.  I'm so glad Aubrey is doing so great.  
    I met a woman at McDonald's that gave birth for the 3rd time at age 50.....her other 2 children are grown and one is 30, the other around the same age....she said she seemed to have gone through instant menopause after he was born, she had terrible post partum mood issues including being suicidal but she's good now, he's 3 1/2.  Her third child was planned but nothing special done to have him.  I'm not sure if I want another one or not....but God seemed to be letting me know it's possible today....

  14. I was basically going to say what lori said. i was wondering how you were doing all that too. you have to take it slow after major surgery. the recovery goes so much better if one gives themselves and the incision time to heal. I am glad to hear you are ok.  
