Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Our Days

Yesterday afternoon four friends arrived at my doorstep, bearing a loaf of freshly baked bread and the basket full of ironing they had picked up from my house earlier that day. If that wasn't kindness enough, they came ready to tackle a work list-- and tackle they did.

Bathrooms scrubbed
Windows Windex'd
Registers vacuumed out
Front porch swept down
Family room furniture rearranged
Shelves hung
Lawn mowed
Refrigerator & microwave cleaned
Bedrooms dusted & vacuumed
Light switches & doornobs sanitized

What would have taken Daniel and I weeks-- literally, since we have to take turns watching the kids while working on the house-- was done in several hours. And as I sat in my newly-arranged family room last night, I breathed a deep sigh. The kind of sigh that knows my jobs are "caught up" and that they are no hanging over my head.

Other happenings of October 16th? The wonderful news of a baby boy's arrival came first thing! Daniel took the kids to the library, which is one of their favorite errands. We dined on scrumptious leftovers from meals I didn't cook. The Indians beat the Red S0x... again.

Today I talked with a good friend for the first time in far too long. I don't know why, but somehow I always lose my I'm Not A Phone Person identity when it comes to her, so that our phone conversations could last for hours (and often do!) if we let them.

I brought Aubrey to the doctor this afternoon. The visit was originally supposed to be for her first dose of this, but because of a bad case of Goopy Eye that developed overnight and was diagnosed today as conjunctivitis, the shot has been temporarily postponed and we picked up a prescription for eye drops immediately following our appointment instead.

Aubrey weighed in at 7lbs, 12oz today and I am pleased that she's continuing to gain, albeit at a somewhat slow pace. By next week's appointment with the cardiologists, I expect to find out that she's finally passed her birth weight.

Tomorrow I have every intention of taking a nap. The few I've gotten since Aubrey's birth simply haven't been enough to combat the slow process of recovery from a major operation. We'll see how I do.


  1. Hi Brietta :) What wonderful blessings! Chores caught up, a good talk with a friend, baby growing... May this day be a blessed one, too, and I do hope you can get your nap. Love to you, Q

  2. What wonderful friends.  We pray a very special blessing on each one of them.  Not just kind words but kind deeds as well.  God is good He sends the help when we really need it.  Good news continues about Aubrey.  We are all blessed.  Love to All,  G. Gram

  3. Wow, I wish I had friends like that! I'd even be happy for my friends to stand around and talk to me while I cleaned!
