Thursday, May 4, 2006

We (the kids and I) just returned from her house. She was there, and so was she. It was a really enjoyable morning--especially since the kids played outside most of the time and allowed for some conversation.

Before laying Gabriel and Bronwyn down for their afternoon naps just now, I asked Gabriel what he really liked about the morning.

The cookies, Mom. They were oatmeal and chocolate.

This seemed like quite the all-knowing response from a child who really doesn't know the ingredients of most anything, so I asked if Lael had told him that.

Yup.... She's my best girl, Mom.



  1. Sounds like you had fun and so did the kids...gunna have to watch Gabriel...heh. SO how are you? I hope life is well!


  2. HA! We'll have to see what Josh thinks of that one. Too cute! It was fun to get together, we'll have to do it again.

  3. My mind can't even begin to wrap around how grown up Gabriel is. Thanks for a fun day... even though I didn't have "experience" stories and moments of crying children beckoning me, I learned a lot:) I'll most definately take you up on coming over, hopefully this month!

  4. that is so cute (-:
