Thursday, January 29, 2009

reporting (:: Edited)

A couple days ago I did a few searches on google in the hope of seeing news pictures/reports from the annual Right to Life march on January 22nd. I found one article.


Talk about an under-reported event. 300,000+ people show up in Washington in protest of abortion, a mere two days after a pro-choice president is inaugurated, and there isn't any news coverage? I mean, I realize I'm a clueless stay-at-home-mom, but I couldn't help thinking that ought be considered pretty good journalism material.

At any rate, I was glad when a friend shared this link to some photos from the event, and I thought you might like to see them, too.

:: Edited to add a link to this article a friend sent me, should you want to read more about the protest.


  1. I appreciate you posting this link.  I have been baffled by the silence of the media on this event.  It is one of the reasons why I love going to the March.  Seeing that there are hundreds of thoussands of people willing to sacrifice to participate in the march encourages me that we are not the only pro-life Americans!

  2. I had read one very slanted article the day before the protest that basically referred to it as a few lobbyists trying to push their "anti-abortion" views.  I think the media is dead-set on not letting Americans hear anything about the abortion debate, since pro-abortion support is largely from the uninformed masses who have never heard a single, logical pro-life argument (I say logical because I have seen plenty of interviews of pro-life protesters that the media has managed to present in a way that makes them look like crazy people).  In any case, it is sad that there is so little legitimate coverage.  Thanks for the links.

  3. In the DC area there was plenty of coverage.  Especially for those trying to commute home through roads blocked for the march.

  4. Hey, when you get a minute can you put up an updated pic of Aubrey?  The ladies in my Bible study pray very faithfully for her and I told them that I would try to show them a pic of who they are praying for!  Miss you!
