Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Yesterday's Discoveries

1. I have a small cavity. It isn't anything that warrants a filling-- I was simply given instructions to brush it very well with flouride toothpaste and then told that we'll check up on it at my next routine appointment-- but, still, there it is. My very first.

Daniel and I have had a sort of competition to see who can go the longest without a cavity. He wins, hands down. I mean, not only does he not presently have a cavity, but he's also 2+ years older than me. I guess I can try to go for going the longest without a filling now, but that may mean having to hope that Daniel gets a really bad cavity soon and I just don't know that I can wish that on him.

2. Having an iTouch makes potty training a bit more enjoyable. Jack can play games while sitting on his little commode. Gabriel and Bronwyn were stuck with looking at books. How 1990s.

3. The world doesn't fall apart if you still have your Christmas decorations up on January 5th (and counting).

Last night, after getting home from a dental appointment and errands, while holding a feverish baby and shuffling oodles of laundry through the washer and dryer, I looked at Daniel and said, "What's another day? I'm just going to leave them up. I mean, I've got a house to clean, a school routine that needs to be returned to, toys to reorganize, trim that needs to be painted, prayer meetings to go to, and an Inbox overflowing with messages that need my response. But I think I'll potty train Jack instead of taking care of any of those things." (The poor kid hasn't even gotten a chance to try potty training before now because I've been too busy.)

And so the decorations remain. They're a bit disheveled looking and the tree is starting to get dry (it's a good thing we got it a lot later this year than usual!). But I really don't mind. Sometimes there just isn't time to do everything. And I'm okay with that.

4. I can go 15+ months without sleeping through the night. It isn't fun and sometimes I actually get really upset when I think about it, but all in all, I've realized there are far worse things to deal with.

5. There is nothing to watch on TV on Monday nights now that Monday Night Football is on ESPN.

No really, there's nothing.


  1. I can vouch for #3 as well. Although it's rare that they get down early because we're always on the road between Christmas and New Years, I'm ready for them to be put away. I just haven't quite found the time to do it all yet. My goal is to be done by Friday. It's doable, especially if I don't get called to sub. If I wait much longer the tree has the potential to be nothing more than branches with piles of needles underneath.Good luck with potty training!

  2. I remember getting my very first cavity in college - it was a tiny one also, but still!  It was there!  Since, I've had one more tiny one.  I guess that's pretty good for almost 33!    Jimmy has a mouthful and has Kayla convinced to always brush her teeth, so she doesn't get a lot of "scabs" in her teeth like daddy!  Too cute!

  3. The plan for the Mexico team with Mary Wall was to be passing out gifts today for their celebrations, so I don't think you are late at all.  It's nice to linger a bit since Christmas seems to go too fast. 

  4. Brietta,

    We also still have our tree up and we are enjoying it still. I have a lot of
    the other things put away, not my tree nor my winter village, that stays
    up until March after all it is winter.


  5. I am REALLY enjoying your frequent posts!  Read Homemaking first.  It's a short, easy read that will bless your socks off!
