Thursday, January 22, 2009


So I was tagged a bit ago and completely missed that fact until today.

Instructions: Post the fourth picture on the fourth folder of your pictures and explain! oh yeah, and tag 4 more people.

My fourth folder was Pictures from Dad. I have a nice dad who regularly shares photos with me. This is really great for several reasons:

1. Dad has a much nicer camera than mine.
2. Dad is a better photographer than I am.
3. Dad never forgets his camera and I do all the time.
4. Dad takes lots of pictures.

Anyway, here's the fourth picture from that folder:


This photo is from when Aubrey was 2-almost-3 weeks old. One afternoon when Dad was visiting us in Syracuse, he and Daniel were "holding down the fort" in NICU-land while I napped elsewhere. He got some cute pictures that day. Don't you love the way Aubrey was rolling her eyes to see what Papa was up to in this one?