Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Jackson is 3!

Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Today marks 3 years since Jackson Edward joined our family, a wrinkly-skinned, fair-headed, 8lb4oz, healthy baby boy. I know I'm the trillionth person to say it, but I'll say it anyway: the days really do fly by. Right before my eyes, Jackson is transforming. I love who he was and I adore who he is.

:: The latest news in Jackson's life is his mastery of the toilet. A little over a week ago I decided to try potty training the poor neglected boy, and he took to it like a champ. If this doesn't convince me that waiting until all the signs of readiness are in place is better than struggling with a child who isn't comprehending what we're striving for (especially when doing so doesn't mean spending any more $$ on diapers since you use cloth anyway), nothing will. Jack was ready. It was as simple and easy as that.

:: Jack loves imitating, playing with, and following Gabriel. Actually, Jack just loves his siblings. They are his favorite people to be with, hands down. I love this about him.

:: His favorite toys are Star Wars action figures and trains. And as much as he loves playing with Gabriel, he plays really well alone, too. It isn't uncommon for Gabriel and Bronwyn to be flitting about the house, getting into mischief and generally staying underfoot, while Jackson plays for extended lengths of time on his own, lost in his own little world of make-believe.

:: We celebrated Jackson's birthday Tuesday night with a small family gathering. He is such a sweet guy and so easy to celebrate. His simple assortment of gifts (including a tricycle, so he can "ride bikes" with his older siblings) delighted his little heart and he has been enjoying them thoroughly every wakeful minute since!

:: Jackson is such a special part of our family. He is the child I worried about being ready for-- before he came the idea of having 3 children under 3 years of age seemed like absolute insanity, finances didn't appear to allow another child, and our lives seemed to be transitioning way too much to add a baby to the mix-- but oh! how much we would be missing if my worries had prevailed! Jackson adds such beauty and tenderness and meaning to our lives. I'm so thankful God gave him to us.

Happy Birthday, Wonderful Boy!



  1. So sweet... Happy Birthday, Jackson!

  2. God does seem to know these things! His wisdom is certainly above our own, and His ways are so much higher. What do we know by comparison?
    Thank you, Lord, for baby Jack! He's a sweet treat, for sure!

  3. What a cutie! Happy Birthday Jackson!

  4. Happy Birthday, Jack!  Little Larry misses playing with you and the rest of his "friends."  We miss you too!

  5. Great picture!!Happy Birthday from the Ockrins!

  6. I wanted to write too that I remember first moving up here and he was only 8-9 months. You had us over and he was sitting in the highchair. I was due with Asher soon and I thought he was such a cute little baby. It made me excited to have Asher. Crazy how time does really does fly!

  7. He sounds a lot like Nathanael...maybe it's being the third child, or maybe God realizing when an "easier" child is warranted.  In any case, I can understand the sweetness you describe and the blessing that it is.  Happy belated birthday to your littlest boy.

  8. What a sweetie! Happy Birthday, Jackson!
