Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Reading goals

I've never made a book list for the year before, but as I looked back over 2008, I realized how much I neglected reading (to be perfectly frank, I barely cracked any covers beyond the books I read with the kids). Not only did I attempt far fewer books than in the past, I don't think I finished a single one. Pretty sad.

So this year I've made myself a book list. At 25 titles, it isn't long; after all, I do want a realistic goal (and one must leave plenty of room for "bonus books"!). I tried to pick a variety, including one or two off of the New York Times Bestsellers List, in an effort to keep things moving along. There are also a few books on my list that I've read before, but feel compelled/inspired to read again.

These are the two I've started the year with:
  1. The Hidden Art of Homemaking by Edith Schaeffer
  2. Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver
These are the rest:
  1. The Creative Family: How to Encourage Imagination and Nurture Family Connections by Amanda Blake Soule
  2. The Shack by William Young
  3. The Screwtape Letters by C. S. Lewis
  4. Gianna by Jessica Shaver
  5. Honey For A Child's Heart by Gladys Hunt
  6. Reforming Marriage by Douglas Wilson
  7. The Prodigal God: Recovering the Heart of the Christian Faith by Timothy Keller
  8. Defending Life: A Moral and Legal Defense Against Abortion Choice by Francis Beckwith
  9. Practicing Hospitality: The Joy of Serving Others by Ennis, Tatlock & Patterson
  10. A Biblical Home Education: Building Your Homeschool on the Foundation of God's Word by Ruth Beechick
  11. The Power of Words by Nancy Leigh DeMoss
  12. Heaven by Randy Alcorn
  13. Marley and Me: Life and Love with the World's Worst Dog by John Grogan
  14. Creating An Intimate Marriage: Rekindle Romance Through Affection, Warmth, and Encouragement by Jim Burns
  15. Shepherding A Child's Heart by Tedd Tripp
  16. The Power of a Praying Wife by Stormie Omartian
  17. Marriage to a Difficult Man: The Uncommon Union of Jonathan and Sarah Edwards by Elisabeth Dodds
  18. The Elements of Style by Strunk and White
  19. For the Family's Sake: The Value of Home in Everyone's Life by Susan Schaeffer Macauley
  20. Raising Kids Who Hunger for God by Benny and Sheree Phillips
  21. Multiple Blessings by Jon & Kate Gosselin and Beth Carson
  22. Do Hard Things: A Teenage Rebellion Against Low Expectations by Alex and Brett Harris
  23. Home-Making by J. R. Miller
Do any of you have reading goals for the year? If so, what are they?

Also, if you've got any recommendations for Must-Reads, please do share! I am certainly not opposed to swapping a title or two out (or trying to add a couple more).


  1. I'm laughing my head off over #18.
    I stole your idea for #11. (I had never heard of it)
    and I think your new goal has me thinking...(being anti-book and all).
    You're the best!

  2. i have Amanda Soule's book if you want to borrow it from me. I've loved what I've read from it so far. And I loved Kingsolver's book. Eat the melon, spit out the seeds. The writing is great, as is her commentary on America's waste. 

  3. @loreferguson - I would love to borrow Soule's book.Kingsolver's book is one I've read part of but never finished.  *sigh*   I really liked it, but I got distracted.  So I'm trying my best to finish it this time.

  4. Um...okay you've inspired me to read a little this year as well. I just am not a reader!, but think I more so just need something that sounds of interest. Some of yours have me now interested. Whether it happens... who knows!, but I'd like to!And where do you get all these books from.. online, store, borrow?I have read Marley and Me. In fact Gabe got it for me for x-mas 2 years ago. Like I said I don't like to read but he knows I love dogs and animals so I thought that was rather cute of him. It actually was really good, humorous, and entertaining. I have it if you want to borrow it. 

  5. All I can say is "holy cow!"  I was thinking of making a goal like finishing 5 books!  You are much more ambitious than I am!  

  6. Lots of great ones on there!  I have never made a list for the year but then again, I dont *typically* have much trouble finishing books.  Our church has an awesome library which helps a lot.  After reading yours though, I am thinking I might make one anyway...
    Have you listened to NL DeMoss audio series "Becoming a Woman of Discretion"? Not sure if that is based on the book or visa versa but it is an excellent series (5 parts).  I would be happy to send you a copy if you are interested.

  7. @ReneeOckrin - I'm kind of with you on whether or not my reading will actually happen-- but I'm going to try really hard!As far as getting my hands on the books, I beg, borrow, and steal.   Seriously, I own a few of the titles, but the rest I'm going to have to borrow from people I know or the library.  The libraries are all interconnected, so it's usually fairly easy to get my hands on what I want.So... with that said, if I could borrow Marley and Me at some point, I sure would appreciate it!

  8. @StraderMom - I know DeMoss has written/shared a lot.  I've never read anything by her; I'm really hoping this will be a convicting and inspiring message on words, 'cause I NEED it!I'm guessing I'll have to pass on the audio series.  We don't even have a CD player in the house, let alone a tape player.  I could only listen if you had a digital file since my only means for listening to music/sermons/etc. is our iPod hooked up to speakers or ear buds.

  9. @brietta - They actually are audio files that I could email if you wanted (zipped of course).  They are convicting now just in words but action as well.  I have really learned from them anyway.  (Dale is annoyed with her voice though -she is too soft spoken for him!)

  10. I'm finishing up the Twilight series. Does that count? Seriously, great list. You have quite a few I hope to read as well and have inspired me to make a list as well as write down ones I read good reviews about. Nothing is more annoying than not being able to remember a recommended book.

  11. Hi Brietta :) What a great list! I've read 3,5,15 & 16 and 1 & 10 are on my list.  Cheering for you here! Love, Q

  12. So you've already got my recommendation for a must-read in 2009: The Shack. So glad you picked this book. You WILL NOT be disappointed. I own if you want to borrow... but trust me, you'll just end up wanting to buy it yourself. :) Great choices!!!

  13. @HeatherDowling - I'm very curious to read The Shack. I've heard quite the varied opinions!  My curiosity is piqued, to say the least.(Oh-- and thanks for the offer to borrow it, but I'm guessing I can get this pretty easily through the library system.)

  14. @Quinne - We have read the same books!  Those are most of my repeats for the year!Oh, and #1 is also a repeat for me because it's such a must-read in my opinion.  I think you will really enjoy it!.

  15. Read this first and really consider if you want to read "The Shack."  I've heard from good theologians that this is not doctrinally/scripturally sound or a good book to read as Christians.  You might want to reconsider.  Just sharing. God bless. 

  16. Elements of Style is amazing! I have read it a couple of times, but I may read it again (it is short, but beautiful).It is available online: don't usually read books on the computer (hurts my eyes), but this is the type of book that is both brief and broken down nicely into smaller parts--as opposed to huge blocks of text.

  17. @Jamie Sinclair - I actually own The Elements of Style (and have read it before-- years ago).  You can borrow it any time if you'd like!

  18. @jillybeans - Thank you for your thoughtful concern!  In all my reading, I do my best to "chew the meat and spit out the bones": I take what is good and helpful and according to Scripture and do my best to set aside the rest.

  19. one more suggestion although i can't believe that you would actually add another book lol- the Love Dare. it's the book from the movie Fireproof. the couples in our church are starting it shortly. anyways, i am working on the update, and i love your decorations! i am having a really hard time with wanting to keep my decorations up because i love christmas and everything looks blah without them!!!! oh and in response to the movie of Gabriel loooooong ago- yes i did FINALLY figure out who he was. but i think it took 2 times of watching it=)
