Monday, February 26, 2007

Today is Gabriel's 4th birthday. Later I hope to write a few things about my very special and gifted boy.

Yesterday, I felt that same nagging feeling that comes with each birthday my oldest celebrates. The same remorse over days lost; time squandered. I look back and see too much frustration and not enough true love. I pause long enough to remember the joy of first knowing motherhood and I feel tears sting my eyes because I have not lived that joy each day.

There is truth to the fact that I have failed much. The problem, of course, is that when my meditations revolve solely around how miserable I am, I grow more discouraged, more disheartened, more doubting, and more faithless.

This morning, I rejected such thoughts. They are not from God.

This morning, I declared aloud the following, taken from "Biblical Confessions to build Your Faith" by Larry Tomczak. I double-dare you to read it aloud yourself and see if it doesn't change your morning as much as it changed mine!

    The righteous man falls seven times, but rises again. Champions don't give up; they get up. One thing I do, forgetting what lies behind, straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus, my Lord. I put my hand to the plow, and I don't look back. I run to win. Zeal for Your house consumes me. The kingdom of heaven comes by violence, and those who take it, take it by force.
    It's not by might, nor by power, but by His Spirit. He ever lives to make intercession for me. He is able to do exceedingly far more abundantly above all that I ever dared think or ask, by the power at work within me. He who began a good work in me will bring it to completion in the day of my Lord Jesus.
    Boldly I can approach the throne of grace to receive mercy and grace for help in the time of need. I'll be anxious for nothing. He will keep me in perfect peace for my mind is stayed on Him. Therefore I enter His rest. I've been crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live, and the life I now live, I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me.
    ...This is the day that the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it. I rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory. I rejoice in the Lord always. I do all things without grumbling and complaining. His words were found, and I ate them, and they became unto me a joy and delight to my heart.
    ...I have the set the Lord always before me. Because He is at my right hand, I shall not be moved. Therefore, my heart is glad and my soul rejoices. My body also dwells secure. You show me the path of the life. At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore. I will rejoice in the Lord; I will rejoice in the God of my salvation.
    I wait upon the Lord, and He renews my strength. I will mount up with wings like eagles; I will run and not be weary; I will walk and not faint.


  1. I still have a copy of that from my college days and I read aloud a different heading from it each day. Sometimes, though, the familiarity causes me to gloss over the meaning behind the words. I think reading it in a different context helps :).

  2. Happy birthday to your little man!
    Are you feeling any better? I had severe hyperemisis and bronchitis, while pregnant with my son. I know how awful it is! Let me know if there's anything I can do to help!

  3. Yep.  I did the meditate-on-my-list-of-failures thing last night.  I had quite a list, and it did make me feel worse and worse to meditate on them.  I knew I shouldn't meditate on failures, and I sang Bible verses in the shower... several of them... even reminding myself to meditate on that which is pure, noble, etc.  I still went to bed defeated.  And I dreamed defeated thoughts.  And I woke up defeated.  Ugh.
    Today has been a drag-my-feet day, but I have hope for tomorrow. 

  4. I just read your posts and smile:)

    happy birthday gabriel!

  5. i am SO w/you on this. it must be those birthdays of our eldest children that do that to us. i just went thru this this last week. first knowing the joy of motherhood... thinking bout time lost, etc... and that is an excellent post by L.T. good stuff. we talked about this in church yesterday. so, i do reject those thoughts, take off those old clothes and go shopping for some new ones getting a new wardrobe. this is good stuff.
    a very happy birthday to your wonderful son! can't wait to see those pics of him receiving his drumset. Jonathan was so excited to get a drum pad and new shiny blue drumsticks. :) hope you're feeling better. i know what you mean by qualifying for a visitor. yesterday was my 1st full sun back to church in wks!   

  6. Lael's birthdays always do the same for me. It's even worse because she and I share a birthday, so I have a double-whammy. I hope you had a great day yesterday celebrating your boy!

  7. Happy birthday to Gabriel! I hope your celebration was enjoyable, especially for the big boy!

  8. Happy Birthday to Gabriel!  I echo the above request to see pictures and even a video of him when he receives the set! 
    Hope you are feeling better!  Love you all!

  9. Happy Birthday Gabriel!! 
    Hope everyone is doing well! 

  10. Happy Birthday Gabriel! 
    We'll be celebrating our oldest's birthday in July and he will also be 4!  It goes too fast.
    How are you feeling?  Is the Thrush gone yet?  The strep?  Hope so, praying for you!

  11. Awesome post.
    Happy birthday to Mr. Gabriel!
