Thursday, February 15, 2007

I don't think that I can complain about "morning sickness." Not really.

I've known a few too many moms who deal with hyperemesis gravidarum-- literally, "excessive vomiting in pregnancy"-- to feel that I can say much about my queasy tummy.

Even a queasy tummy, though, when forced to make a PB&J sandwich for clamoring toddlers, loses its contents. And, unlike last week, I can't blame it on strep throat this time around.

At least I felt a short reprieve from the nausea for a bit afterwards. I finished making and serving lunch without resenting my family's need for food one bit.

And so I wonder what the next 6 or so weeks will be like for me. Part of me wants to feel badly for myself. A bigger part of me is thankful I'm not sicker than I am. Most of me is wanting to fast-forward time-- just this once.


  1. Yuck...  I had the "excessive vomiting in pregnancy" when carrying Austin and it was terrible.  (Ended up in the hospital for 3 days bc of it!)  You hear all the old "hints" and none of them work.  I learned that if there is anything at all that I can eat -eat it and dont worry about anything else!    "This too shall pass..."  (((hugs))) 
    PS:  Did you hear about Peter Pan PB...?  We had to throw away 2 jars that were brand new -eerr!! 

  2. Thats what we use too...  Read This:,2933,252061,00.html

  3. Hey!  Dri just told me that P & C will take back the bad PB if you bring it in.  Just a thought if you haven't already thrown away offending jars! 
    About the suspected staph, what kinds of symptoms is he having?  Is it a suspected urinary tract staph or skin or something else?  That could totally change how it is treated.  You guys have had a REALLY crazy time.  Hopefully things calm down soon, right!?

  4. The video is cute. I love how J. is right in there playing with the big boys. Oh, yeah- he IS a big boy now, right?

  5. I had the excessive vomiting with Caedmon and Bethany...part of the reason for my weight gain...I had to eat a lot all the time to keep from throwing up (seems counter-intuitive, huh?). It hasn't been so bad this time usually has truly been just "morning" sickness. But, I think any nausea is never fun at the time, so I hope it passes quickly for you.

  6. I'm so sorry you're feeling yucky. Do you usually have morning sickness? I don't wish it on anyone... no matter how severe. I never imagined I could throw up as much as I have. I keep reminding myself this must be a good sign though.
    I absolutely love Allison. In fact anyone would be better than the doctor we had during the miscarriage, but having a midwife is definately for me. I appreciate how much time she spends with me and how she explains things. I also enjoy that she doesn't force anything on me and keeps it "all- natural". The test will be delivery though. So far, so good!

  7. Huh- a toddler having a staph infection IS very strange.  I really don't know of another treatment for it.  Personally, I would go after it with the meds that Dr. McCloy gave you.  Staph is a yucky thing and you really want to get rid of it as quickly as possible.  Anyway, that's my two cents.  There may be other opinions out there! 

  8. Hey -happened to see the comments here on Staph Infections...  Had one once -working in a Health Center is bad for your health. 
    First of all, it can be contagious but only if it gets into someone elses cut.  Staph is actually naturally occuring and is not bad unless it enters the body through a cut or scratch.  He probably has spread it simply by being a baby and putting his hands on other parts of himself after touching the sore.  Not much you can do about that!!  (btw -sties, boils and absesses are all actually staph.)  NOTE: Be very careful while breastfeeding as you can easily get it from him and if it enters your bloodstream it is very dangerous...  With the thrush still healing (hopefully) and your skin still raw, it would be easy for you to get it. 
    Colloidal Silver works wonders and that is what finally knocked mine out.  I would soak a cotton ball with it and then bandage it onto my hand (where mine was).  It was mostly gone in about a week -including the healing time since as long as the skin is still scabbed, it can still contain the bacteria.  Will he leave a band-aid on him?  If so, soak the pad every hour or so and keep reapplying it. 
    I also found this link:  Might be helpful... 
    Be careful though... If you notice that one is spreading instead of getting smaller, take him to the Dr again -Staph can be very dangerous -though most arent. 
    Call me if you want to talk more about it!! 

  9. I know!   We can't wait!  Getting alot of snow??

  10. Thanks for your kind compassionate comments.  The prayer and support of family and friends really makes a difference.  I have been praying for all of you with your illness and now Gabriel's infection.  I am especially praying for the health and growth of the new baby.  Keep doing what you already know to do so well: trusting Jesus.
    Mom P

  11. How are you feeling, I hope your up to par really soon, I will keep all of you in my prayers

  12. so i just sent a little card in the mail for a little man who is turning four soon.  it might be a day or two late, but it will be coming.  you should have your darling husband check your post office box in a week or so.  : )
    love you and hope you're feeling better soon!

  13. Thanks... I needed that encouragement.  My new friendship with you is very special to me.  I have learned how to combat the worry but there are times it is like a merry-go-round that is not so merry.  I find myself going over the same things time and again to keep my mind in check.  It is God Word and His truth that always brings me back to where I should be.  (And part of that is knowing the truth that worry is not of Him.)
    How are you doing?  I am still praying for you to be feeling better and stronger in every way. 
