Sunday, February 11, 2007

I am feeling better today. My throat doesn't hurt quite so much and the congestion that had me gagging to the point of throwing up on Thursday and Friday seems to have subsided some. I actually slept last night. It was the first time in a week that I wasn't up at least once an hour.

* * * * *

Daniel says I must officially concede that Jackson is walking. I protest and say that the number of times he falls means that it isn't official. But really, I know it is.

And since I've admitted to Jack's walking, I will say that it's pretty cute to watch him toddle about, hands outstretched in either direction in an effort to stabilize his off-kilter balance. It's especially cute because he's so proud of himself.

* * * * *

I've been sitting a lot this week. Which means I've been reading a lot. Which means I've been thinking a lot.

I was thinking a couple days ago about how much better I ought to be at motherhood; about the lack I see in myself when I look at what today's culture esteems as an "invested" mother. My children aren't enrolled in pre-school groups and I don't arrange for playdates. Trips to the library happen rarely-- and when they do, it's usually an activity Daddy leads the older ones in while I stay behind with the baby. I've never built a snowman with Gabriel and I stink at playing "cowboys." And thinking about it all made me tired.

But then I was considering what the Bible says an "invested" mom looks like:

"Hear, O Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lord is one! You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. These words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand and they shall be as frontals on your forehead. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.
--Deuteronomy 6:4-9 NASB

And I didn't feel tired. I felt renewed. I felt encouraged. I felt why I love being a mom again.

I felt grateful for His Word.

* * * * *

There are many things weighing on my heart for other people today. I don't always know what to pray, especially in difficult times that we know will come as we journey through life in a fallen world.

Except that I know to pray for grace and love. For Christ. For peace. For redemption.

And that's enough, I remind myself.

* * * * *

My bedroom is a disaster. Other than that, though, Daniel has managed pretty well.

It really does amaze me that he truly doesn't know what to do with raw meat, raw veggies, and uncooked rice. But that's OK. He does a lot of other things that I truly don't know what to do with.


  1. A great mom. A super dad. And wonderful kids. I like you guys alot.

  2. So glad to hear you are feeling better.  I love the picture of Gabriel and Jack.  What a wonderful family you have.  You are truly blessed.
    Grandpa is recovering from his stroke and we believe he will recover the motion that was lost..  He will be in the hospital about a week and then according to his recovery of motion we will see if he can come home or needs more rehab???  We are blessed this could have been much worse since he did not get into the hospital for about 5 hours.   Love You and Yours

  3. "I was thinking a couple days ago about how much better I ought to be at motherhood; about the lack I see in myself when I look at what today's culture esteems as an "invested" mother."
    It's amazing the "pull" the culture has. It's strong for sure. I  was/am always reigning my thoughts in. Even with something as small as when someone had a season of sleeping on the floor with just a mattress without the bed or all the wonderful matching furniture and comforters, etc. I would think: "Well, what did the disciples sleep on? What did Jesus sleep on?" It helped me to feel better about whatever was at hand that was bothering me.

  4. Funny you posted about this...I was laughing the other day (well, yesterday) about Bradley in his 3X's hand -me -down jeans. They don't have holes or tears, but they certainly aren't trendy and adorable. It reminded me of a nosy lady who approached me in P&C last month. She said, "How could you ever afford to have so many kids? Jeepers- they have to have these certain sneakers and that special jacket- then $300 later...and that's only my ONE daughter!" As she was babbling (am I sounding unkind here?) all I could think was, "This poor woman is a slave." I think on these things and I am so thankful. So thankful that God has opened (and continues to open) my eyes. His wisdom is just awesome...

  5. P.S. Avoid LIBRARY TIME like the plague! Too many germs!

  6. I love the new profile picture!! Oh my goodness are they CUTE:)

  7. So glad you are feeling better... and I must agree about the picture. Sure is cute!

  8. Dear Brietta, I'm so happy you're feeling better. The scripture you've posted from Deuteronomy is one of my favorites, I'm glad that it has encouraged you as well. I pray God continually heals you and restores your joy anew every morning. In Christ's Love, Shauna Renda

  9. So glad to hear you are at least starting to feel better -at least a step in the right direction! 
    I love that passage too.  It is one that I would really like to literally "...write on the doorposts of..." our home.  Not very creative in things like that though... 
    This is something I struggle with on occasion as well.  I have a terrible habit of comparing myself to others and the "standard" and I seem to fall short in more areas that I "measure up".  In the end, we each have to find who God has called us and created us to be.  And that is much better than anything this world could ever dream for us anyway!! 

  10. Your mom is so cute!  I like this post.  It is very encouraging.  So Bronwyn is waiting for the prince?  What on earth, these girls need to stay little!  It's hard to even know what to say.  Emma told me she wanted to have a baby in her belly so I said she couldn't until she got married.  Now she tells anyone that she is going to get married so she can have a baby in her belly and gum. (that is also for when she is older) Well, I'm glad that my girl isn't the only one!

  11. Beautiful picture of the boys!!!! thanks for the encouragement. i didn't know you had pitocin. my dr said pitocin labor is defnitely diff from "regular" labor. ugh! i just wish my body didn't have such a hard time doing what it was created to do. glad to know you are feeling better. oh-what play is your mom working on w/CFA and when is it going on?  

  12. Glad to hear you are improving. I'm sure this weather isn't much of a motivator!

    As for the roast chickens - check BJ's, if you ever do any shopping there. They come in bags of two chickens but for only around $10-12. And they are the Perdue extra meaty roasters. I always grab a bag when I stop there, as long as there is room in the freezer. It works out to be much cheaper than P&C.

    And don't worry about the clothes! Unless Lauren is a record-breaker, there is plenty of time before we'll need them.

  13. Hey Brietta...thanks for the invite:) Noah will be switching semesters (well..quarters actually) in a couple of weeks so it's a bit busy and financially tight because of all the new semester fees we have to pay, etc. etc. It's possible that in April or May we could come visit:) Would sometime in that date range work for you guys?? It's very kind of you to offer! I'm sure we would have some fun;)

  14. i think i pretty much squealed just then when i saw your picture of your two little boys... oh, i miss your family.

  15. You and me sister must be cut from the same cloth!
    I have found myself crying lately.... thinking of my family.. the children... everything. I have even said... I really stink at this whole wife/mother thing!
    Kevin says it is mostly because I am just EXHAUSTED by this whole home project. It has consumed us since June 2006.  I don't know... it seems I had these kind of thoughts before the home.
    I am about to order a book called.... I think maybe you should read it after I am done with it. It is aimed at exposing the menance of public schools. However, it gives a clear definition of why we are to care for our own children and not let society fool us into thinking otherwise.
    The scripture from Deuteronomy is the name of our homeschool. The children and I sat down for a whole week and prayed about what to name our little school. We searched scripture and now we are.... Disciples of Deuteronomy 6. We actually had the scripture written on those "sentence strips" and placed them around all of the doorways of the home. The children, Nathan and Amanda, had to recite the verses everyday. It helped us have a clear idea of what was important.
    We didn't make play-doh that week, probably didn't go to the library, but we did spend time in the word, praying, seeking the Lord. My children were learning that even the name of our little school was important to their Heavenly Father. That they could ask Him anything... He cared.
    Your children are all so young still, but they are already beaming with love. They love their mommie and daddie, their sister and brothers... it all shows in their faces and actions. Keep up the good work.
    Don't know about the reference to the chickens... but we buy them a lot at Aldi's. I can't remember at all what the package says. It might be worth the trip to Aldi's occasionally to pick up some cheaper items.
    How is the thrush? Any better? Keep in mind that "yeast" is a real booger on your energy. It gets into your whole body and is hard to shake. It even can make your mind feel foggy.

  16. Ooops. Forgot the name of the book. he he
    Public Schools, Public Menance: How Public Schools Lie to Parents and Betray Our Children.
    by Joel Turtel
