Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

So, yes, this is the latest.

Well, the real latest is that I'm almost positive I have strep throat. (At least, the white patches on the very back of my mouth along with aches, chills, and headache seem to indicate strep throat, though there is also the possibility that it is some strain of a viral infection that I also hear has been making the rounds.) It is the most awful sickness I have ever had. I can't really eat because of how swollen my throat is and I'm definitely having trouble sleeping because of the pain. The only reason I'm functioning enough to write is because I took some Tylenol a bit ago so I could take a nap and eat (both of which I managed after the pain was eased a bit).

But the latest good news is that we're expecting again!

I kind of found out by surprise. I had nothing to indicate that I might be pregnant (though nothing to indicate that I wasn't, either), except that I felt the Lord tell me to buy a home pregnancy test before working things out with my insurance to get the diflucan for the thrush Jackson and I have been battling. You may remember that I needed to have the prescription pre-authorized before I could get it. Well, that day when I came home from the pharmacy, I didn't bring back diflucan but 2 pregnancy tests. I felt a little sheepish when I told Daniel. The idea that it was God putting that thought in my heart was feeling less and less probable and that my hormones were just nuts was feeling more and more likely. So I tucked the tests in a cabinet.

A couple days later, I'd tried to deal with the thrush using Gentian Violet to absolutely no avail. I was in so much pain and wanted relief now. But I couldn't make the phone call to my doctor asking her to get the prescription pre-authorized without shaking that feeling of being disobedient to what God had said. So, in desperation to ease my conscience and convinced I was just going crazy anyway, I took a pregnancy test and walked away, picked up the phone and dialed the number, came back to the test as the doctor's office was ringing, and was amazed (shocked?) to see the telltale + sign I certainly hadn't expected.


Naturally, I didn't believe it. But, of course, I couldn't finish my phone call to the doctor, either. I waited a couple more days and took another test. I'm not sure why I was just as astounded the second time around to see it positive, but I was. I called my doctor, this time to ask for bloodwork because I just wasn't yet convinced. Some bloodwork and a couple more days later, the nurse told me over the phone that I definitely am pregnant. And that was when it really sunk in.

Don't get me wrong: I'm not upset or bothered by this. I was just really surprised.

My estimated due date is based on nothing but feelings and "mom intuition." I could be totally wrong. But, hey!-- so far this mom's intuition has carried me pretty far. I am sure I am at least this far along-- could be more. (While I'm not sure which medical practice I want to go with for this pregnancy, I am fairly certain that any practice will want me to get an early ultrasound to better determine an estimated due date. As long as we get it early enough, I am content going with such testing.)

Please pray for us if you think of us. I am very sick and struggling to get the nutrients I know I need to continue fighting thrush (I am winning the battle, but it's been slow-going and I don't really want to lose ground), battle strep throat (or whatever this is), sustain a pregnancy, and breastfeed Jackson. The demands are high and my health poor. It isn't fun. (But don't worry, I know my body can do it all. It just needs extra help right now.)

Daniel has been wonderful. He has canceled everything the rest of this week so he can be home with the kids and I. (Gabriel began complaining this afternoon of being cold and his head hurting, which is exactly how I started this whole thing...) He's trying to care for the children, care for me, manage the home, fit in work-related phone calls, do laundry (scary!), fix meals, etc., most of which doesn't come entirely naturally for him. He can clean pretty well compared to most guys-- and probably a lot of girls-- but he's at a loss when it comes to doing Bronwyn's hair or cooking meals or using our washing machine. I'm impressed with how much of a trooper he's being in it all, but I know he's already tired-- and we most likely have a bit of a haul ahead of us before I'm back to feeling good.

God has been good to us. I feel He is especially good to me, as He continually makes sure I don't fall prey to loving routine more than I love grace.

*Edit: Currently I am gargling 1/2tsp colloidal silver 5x/day, taking 1000mg vitamin C/day, 1tsp elderberry concentrate 3x/day, and 1/2tsp oregon grape 2x/day. I am eating at least 1c of yogurt/day, I have cut out white flours and sugars, and will hopefully get more keifer in the house soon. If there is something in addition to all of this that you suggest I do to get rid of the infections, I would love to hear. Due to the pregnancy, I absolutely am not comfortable taking antibiotics. We're going to have to kick these infections the old-fashioned way.*


  1. I can't help but say that you're a little absolutely crazy. But in a good way. =) Congrats on the 4th! I hope your health improves quickly! I'll be praying for you.
    ~S. Renda

  2. Congratulations! Rest up, I'll be praying for a quick healing!

  3. Congratulations! Wow...  Hey, I'll be seeing you in March--yay! Really hope you feel better...

  4. Congratulations! I can't think of a single thing to recommend you do that you aren't already doing. I hope you feel better (at least from the thrush and possible strep) soon.

  5. Well, I didn't get the fun of hearing it here first. (Nicole and Emily spilled the beans.) But congratulations anyway!

    I sure hope you feel better soon. I know firsthand how draining pregnancy and breastfeeding can be together even for a chubby, healthy person like myself! In fact, I'm sending up a heartfelt prayer on your behalf right now!

  6. Yes, the beans were spilled for me too!  But congrats none the less.  I joked with Stacie tonight that I've been waiting for the phone call from Michelle that she's having the baby and the post from you that you were pregnant. 
    Just waiting for Shell now...!

  7. CONGRATULATIONS!!  And I'll be praying you get well quickly!! 

  8. Yipee! Now the news is public and I can tell the world about God's latest blessing.  I have been and certainly will continue to pray for you, Daniel and all four of the children.  Way, way back in the olden days when I dealt with thrush, Gentian Violet did it for us, but only after a 14-21 day course of treatment.  It was miserable, I had many purple clothes by the end, but the treatment did work.  Perhaps you have already tried this, but if you haven't you might want to consider it.  I am especially praying for a quick recovery from the throat pain.  I love you.  You are a great mommy.
    Mom P

  9. Congrats on your fourth!  I hope that you will be feeling better soon and on your feet.  During my last pregnancy I was still nursing my first and it was wonderful because it made me have absolutely no nausea.  I loved it.
    I'm curious-why no antibiotics?  At this early stage in pregnancy the baby shouldn't really get any of it since the placenta probably isn't totally formed and connected-but then again you aren't sure how far along you are so it could be hard to know.  I could also be wrong! :)  I had to be on antibiotics during different times in my last 3 pregnancies and the doctors were never concerned.  They give you specific ones that are "safe for pregnancy".  I'd be interested in what you know and why you choose no antibiotics.  (When you get the time!) 
    Feel better soon!  And Congrats again!  Do the kids know yet? :) 

  10. congrats on #4!! i breastfed through both my second and third pregnancies with no ill effects. so keep up the good work and good spirits! you're an encouragement!

  11. Congrats on # 4.... You need to get some rest I know that is impossible with having 3 other children one on the way, with cooking, cleaning, laundry, shopping, but as much as you can try to.  its really weird when Mommy's get sick, the house falls apart.  I hope the thrust is finally going away. you take care.

  12. Wow!!! Congratulations!! I pray for strength for this season! love,

  13. Congrats on the new baby! I said a prayer for your health just now:) Love ya!


  14. Brietta,
    Oh and you can even breastfeed them both after your pregnant as well. Its called tandem feeding which is that you feed an older and younger at the same time. Wow I can't believe this will be # 4 for you guys. You all will be so busy with all of these kids. I was wondering when and if you were going to have more. Congratulations on this. God Bless.


  15. Have to add my congrats on here to you as well!!   I am so excited for you but can imagine how wiped you are feeling right now.  Is there anything you can eat -soups or something? 
    Praying for you...  

  16. congrats on the new little one on the way!! when i first found out that i was pregnant garrett was going through a bout of thrush. i did read that it is more common for a nursing little one to get thrush when the mom is expecting. i will pray that you both get over it quickly, you have enough other stuff to handle right now=)

  17. Congratulations!!
    I'll be praying for  your complete healing as well...

  18. Thanks for taking the time to explain that.   I totally understand and I actually forgot that when I am not pregnant and I take antibiotics for something, yeast infections almost always follow.  I hate that.  With the fact that you already have a yeast infection, antibiotics would not be a good choice.  Yikes-indeed! :) 
    Something that works for me when I have throat illnesses is decaf tea (herbal peppermint is best but I am not sure you can have that during pregnancy) with honey and lemon.  A doctor actually told me about doing this and it works really well.  Also, change your tooth brush as soon as you are better.  The ADA recommends throwing out your toothbrush after a sickness and replacing it because you can give the sickness back to yourself.  Gargling with warm salt water might also help.  It relieves some soreness for me.
    I will be praying for your complete healing and for your prenancy to go well with no nausea! :)

  19. estanopit said...  "i did read that it is more common for a nursing little one to get thrush when the mom is expecting"
    Does the time you started dealing with the thrush match with about when you think you got pregnant?  Really curious because in looking back at my calendar last year, Ashlyn and I had thrush the very same week that I got pregnant.  Maybe that is your "marker"??? 

  20. Brietta!  How exciting!!!  Andy told us the news last night.  We can't wait to meet maricle #4.  I just got back from my doctor's appt. where I got to hear our little one's heart beat - so fast!!!  Babies are such a blessing.  Love you and pray you feel well soon!

  21. Brietta,
    How exciting! Yes, keep b-feeding if you can. I must say the worst thrush cases "we" had (the whole family does kind of suffer along) were when I was pregnant and nursing still.
    Are you taking Acidophilus? Lots of it would help... depending on what kind of yogurt you are eating... it probably isn't helping much. Too much sugar...not enough acidophilus.
    I sent this link recently to another lady...lots of help for thrush, but also just to boost your immune system.
    I did take antibiotics w/ Nathan... but couldn't keep them down. Ended up "old-fashioned" know how helped. Sounds like you are taking a bunch of good stuff.
    I would recommend Dr. Newman's cream. You can also use over the counter yeast cream right on your skin. The oral yeast treatments should be used for a longer period of time than most dr.'s like.
    I didn't see any grapefruit extract. Are you taking that? Try and buy it at the health food store in liquid, instead of tablet, if you can.
    Have you put the silver in Jackson's mouth too? How about right on the problem area... breasts? It works wonders when applied as close to the source of the problem.
    I don't understand why your health insurance is giving you such a hard time about the script.
    You can call me if you need anything. I could easily pick up something from wal-mart and get it out to you.
    Praying for your health and the health of your '2 littlest ones". Rest honey... you can always catch up on the "house" stuff later.

  22. Brietta,
    Yeah I think Hayla is the type who wants to continue to feed no matter what. She wont give it up. She is 17 months today and there is no sign she is stopping. Hey I was wondering if your church (CFC) is going to Syracuse in a few weekends for a women's function? Our church is and I was wondering if there were going to be other churches there or if it was just for ours. We would be staying in a hotel and there is a speaker too. So let me know if you know anything about it. I may be trying to go but I don't know how with Hayla who has to breastfeed to get to sleep. We will see what happens.


  23. Congratulations!

    and BTW
    yes, you win

  24. Hey...congrats! I was actually going to write you and ask when you were due, b/c one of the things i've been thinking of most since i've been home is when you and daniel were goingto have baby #4. i figured you must be prego by now. sorry to add to long list of comments. i tandem nursed Jonathan and matthew and continued ot nurse jonathan throughout my pregnancy w/matthew. it was a fine experience. however, i have never had to deal w/such pain or infections. I thank the Lord for speedy healing sent your way. infections under the feet of Jesus. Thank you Lord for wholeness.
    b/c i had a section, my movement is also limited, so  nursing and staring at this little one and enjoying her is quite a pleasure. i love hearing her voice and I can't  get over how precious she is.   

  25. boy, you have alotta friends!
    Praying for you today and every day....

  26. Congratulations on baby #4.  I will definitely pray for your strep throat.

  27. Congratulations!! That is wonderful news! I don't know if anyone else has mentioned this yet, but I have heard that honey is an excellent natural remedy for infections...and colloidal silver is the only thing that has helped Caedmon's styes, so I think that is great, too. And wonderful husbands are a huge blessing...I am so thankful that Tim can clean (often, better than me, thanks to his mom!)...but as with Daniel, meal prep isn't his forte, but he will do it if he has to. I can't imagine going through pregnancy (much less having strep and thrush on top of that as you do) without the help of a great husband. I pray you will all be feeling better, soon.

  28. Seven nieces and nephews before the age of 20.  How many people can claim that??? ;)
    I'm so happy for you and Daniel.  I can't wait to meet this new gift!!

  29. PS...props on not being willing to take antibiotics!!  After working with bacteria over the summer, I am all the more convinced that antibiotic treatment just shoots the human race in the foot.  Bacteria are some of the most adaptive organisms in the biosphere...antiobiotic treatment is the same as expecting a 25-year-old to be stumped by a second-grade spelling quiz.  You're doing the rest of the world a favor when you avoid antibiotics...not just your own body!! ;)
