Tuesday, December 19, 2006

She gave me the idea of taking some snapshots of my home decorated for the holidays. I was too tired to do a whole lot (read: didn't feel like making sure everything looked just right!), but I took a couple pictures and uploaded them to my flickr account. If you'd like to see a bit of my favorite house decorated for Christmas, go here.

As for pictures of my kiddos, they still get a place of prominence--right here where I write!

my two boys
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he sure has learned how to perform for the camera!
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the classic Brownyn-look
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decorating cookies
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"Am I allowed to lick?"
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  1. Bri, thanks for tonight. it was so much fun to be with the fam. I loved every minute of it. Thanks, too, for being a friend...you're great.

  2. Your little house is beautiful!!! and your children are precious! I can't believe how fast they've grown!
    enjoy the remainder of this wonderful season!

  3. I love jacksons hat and sweater=) he looks so grown up! what happened to the baby of the family?

  4. Wow, your house looks amazing! I do love your stocking too:) LOL! What a great find:)
    The kids look so grown up....time really does fly. I can't believe Maygen will be a year and then in 3 weeks Jackson will be a year???
    I promise to write soon!

  5. Wow your a great mommy! I am sure that everyone loves your decorating style. My personal favorite is the stockings on the banister instead of a fireplace! Now I know what to do with them if ever I don't have a fireplace. But not having either is even more tough! Are those anise cut out cookies? If they are what is the recipe. We used to make them when I was little and I have been wanting the recipe. If not they are cute anyway! Well I hope you have a Grrrrrrrrrreat Christmas and New Years! Your kids are so precious! I love the sweater on little (or should I say big) Jack! Miss you all.


  6. Love the pics.  Hope you have a relaxing next few days!  I have to remember to slow down and enjoy the days preceding Christmas because it comes and goes so quickly.  This year especially I have to stop stressing about everything and enjoy it even if Ally's nose is all stuffed up (again) and Matt still has one eye closed!

  7. i loved last night. thanks so much for yummy food, pretty cookies, and holiday cheer. somehow it's not christmas until there are lots of kiddles and boisterous conversation. ii love it!!

  8. The house looks beautiful and the kids are adorable (as always). It is such fun to see everyone's decorations, the internet truly is a fun thing sometimes! I like the stockings on the bannister. We used to do the same when we were in NY. As for the ornaments, I admit to having a bit of weakness for them. There are so many out there, and they can tell so many stories, I tend to pick up a few every year.
