Saturday, December 30, 2006

A little over a week ago, I was feeling frustrated.

With my kitchen.

Do you know my kitchen is pretty bad to work in? Well, it is. Even though it might not look it at first glance (it's a decent-sized square room instead of being a galley or teeny-tiny space), it has a seriously deficient amount of cupboard and counter space. Trust me. I have to keep tupperware, sippy cups, baking utensils, etc. underneath my kitchen sink because if I put these things elsewhere, I would have absolutely no room to store things like, say, cereal or rice or dry beans or peanut butter. As if keeping cookie cutters beneath the garbage disposal isn't frustrating enough, this space issue also means I can't buy in bulk (which means I have to grocery shop more often, and you've all heard my nightmare stories about grocery shopping with the kids) and that when someone else comes to cook with me, she exclaims in shock as I dive headfirst into the corner cupboard for the tenth time, "You keep everything in there, don't you?!"

I have arranged and re-arranged my cupboards a zillion times as I try to beat the space issues.

I have come up wanting every single time.

So now you understand why I was so excited to receive one particular gift this Christmas. It will revolutionize my life. (I cook and bake quite a bit, you see.) It will make my kitchen more functional. And it certainly will make my kitchen more beautiful.

I know we're not supposed to have favorite gifts, since that would mean another isn't as favorite. But this year, I can't help having a favorite gift. Especially since it was handmade just for me by some very nice and favorite people. (There may have been others involved in the making of it, since their house is also home to other friends.)

My new plate rack/tea cup hanger/shelf. For above my kitchen table. To empty out the dish cupboard and fill it with tupperware and sippy cups and baking utensils. To be beautiful.

Don't you love it?!?!

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  1. Wow!  That is so nice!!  Like you, we have a space issue -though mine is because I have NO cabinets -literally...  I just may have to show my dh this picture and get him to make me something like this! 
    Did you say you will hang it on the wall above the table?  I would like to see a picture of it up if you can -curious to see how it looks/works and if it might be my solution as well... 

  2. How nice! Joe and I struggle every time we look at a house because none of them afford us the space we have here... especially in the kitchen.

    I wanted to ask you too where you got the adorable furniture in Bronwyn's doll house?! (Was that a childhood treasure too or a new addition?)

  3. oh, yay, bri!

    i'm so glad for you. i'll be over soon to see it --- and maybe play with the dollhouse, too. :)

  4. We have the exact same problem. Do you know by chance where it was purchased? I'd love to look into buying something like that!

  5. Looks like we have some handy and thoughtful friends there, don't we? Good for you! It's quite lovely!

  6. It really is beautiful! And so are the pics...thanks so much for posting them. That one of the three of you is beautiful and the 3rd one down of G and B is a way reminds me of me and my brother when we were little. When Rick and I were hurting for cupboard space in our apt and our 1st house, we bought a unit from Home Depot and it was easy to put together. We got four cabinets (w/drawer each cab) and a countertop. it worked real well and was an extremely inexpensive solution. it is also easily portable, so if you wanted to move it at some pt in the future, it can be easily done.
    i'm sorry to hear aobut you and Jack. you're right about the babies liking being in Mom's arms at night even after they're better. somethin funny about that, hey? it even takes them a little while to get used to not needing to be in  your arms all day. are either of you any better? is Jack doing any other eating than nursing yet?  

  7. That is so great, I wish I had one as well for my nice new Christmas plates and mugs and maybe a place for the bowls as well. So it is awesome then? It looks beautiful! Hope you enjoy it very much! And Happy New Year Early!


  8. Awwwe, that's just gurtie-sweet!

  9. I love it...and was happy to have a part in painting it =)

  10. The cupboard is beautiful and deserves to be a favorite.  It is so practical and so lovely.  Enjoy it every day.

  11. I love it!  It will be perfect for you!
