Thursday, December 7, 2006

Environment can be such an amazing conduit for peace. Dim lighting is an example of this. (Or maybe it's just me that is amazed at the calm that fills my house the minute daylight has been erased and candlelight takes its place.)

But peace is not contingent upon my surroundings.

In other words, I can be at peace even in a dirty, cluttered house that is loud with the sounds of whining and bickering.

This is a hard lesson for me.

I like order--almost too much. I am beginning to think that the sense of peace I derive from opening a clean refrigerator or a closet full of clothing hanging neatly (all facing the some direction and organized by type: dressy, casual, etc.) is a bit quirky, but I haven't been able to change the fact that it really does comfort my soul to see such things.

What I can change and need to change is my ability to be at peace even when my surroundings are not.

Peace isn't here. Peace is Jesus.

Am I full of Jesus today?


  1. Hey,
    Currently we I am thinking that Mike Jones and I will be arriving up there on the 31st and staying til' the 3rd or 4th. If it doesn't work for you we can just a hotel room no prob.

  2. Good things for me to remember these days. Not so much because when I open the door to see a sparkling fridge I find peace, but more because when I open the door to find a cluttered, messy fridge with spills or crumbs- this should not and does not mean that peace is out of reach. I agree that peace is Jesus. So am I with Him or not?

  3. Wow I can NOT believe your kids! They are getting so grown up looking. WOW! So AWESOME. Well I am glad you found your tree. The kids look quite happy with it by the way. I don't think they mind too much that the lights are one color. Keith and I never had the trouble of figuring out what lights we cared to have because the lights come already strung every year on our tree. All I do is get it our pop it up and like my mom would say "Fluff!" lol. Keith did ask this year if we had colored lights and I said we could if you buy them. Well I hope everything is great near Potsdam!


  4. Sounding pretty familiar. Good lessons to learn. (And I still prefer a well-ordered closet, too!)

  5. Yep. I was sitting there tonight thinking, "the most significant difference between these two is definitely the cowlick." Then, to confirm my thought, your cutest Gabriel asked me why my bangs were so crooked. (Might I mention that the entire night Aves kept commenting on my "angles" and how he liked my "angles" but didn't understand my "angles". All Riley cared about was the fact that the nets were off the basketball hoops.

  6. I missed talking with you last night -saw you across the room but then had to leave before having the chance to see you.  (I cant believe how much you look like your mom with your hair like that!)  When things (if things) settle down at all for you I would really enjoy getting together sometime -your place, mine or someplace else!
    PS:  Do I drive by your house on Fridays?  I keep seeing this "cute yellow house" and think of you -wondering...  Then last night I saw the white lights in the windows and the white lit tree and thought -I bet it is!! LOL 

  7. Breitta, I will pray for your Friend, that is in the hospital. hopefully she will do as well as Maygen (except for the weight gain) but with everything else.

  8. Thought I'd give you a laugh...I'm off to SEARS portrait studio for Christmas Photo Time! To let you know how much confidence I have in myself- I'm bringing BOTH grandmothers for back-up!
    P.S. Where can I get an update on Mrs. Haller?

  9. I keep thinking everything will get better WHEN I have more order, because it is so out of order, and of course it will help, but you're right, that's not where the real peace is, I can have it now, huh?  Thanks for helping me remember that.  I love you!  You may think it's wierd, but I respect you so much.  Miss you too.  You are a great writer, we can see your life so easily the way you write about what you do AND feel.  I should rephrase that as, I see Jesus in your life.  And that's so cool.
