Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Getting a Tree the Right Way:

Jackson in Merrick's old sled

Aunt Julia giving Gabriel a lift on the way to the trees

Jack and Bronwyn

Daddy at work

Proud Conquerors!

Bringing the tree home

Bronwyn and Gabriel rather pleased


  1. Oh that is so cute!  You cute down your own tree?  Impressive.
    We haven't gotten ours yet - but i'm with you on the white lights!

  2. We wanted to cut down our own tree but our last minute change in plans had us running to the local tree stand. Thanksfully we found a very fresh one. And we've had our discussions as well - I'm a colored lights girl, Josh a white lights guy. We've settled on colored lights outsite and white lights on the tree. Our yearly battle is between a long or short needle tree. Short needle (meaning me!) won out this year.

    Just for future reference, where do you cut down your tree?

  3. cute, cute. And i love your new profile pic.

  4. your profile picture is simply amazing.

  5. i'm entirely jealous!  my whole life growing up in michigan,we cut our own tree every year.  then, i moved to oklahoma - where you won't find a christmas tree farm for miles and miles and the tree lot ones cost an arm and a leg.  this year, i broke my own heart and we bought a live tree -- but it was from a tree lot.  at least its real, eh?!  looks like you all had much fun! 
    and lights... i finally relented and bought two strands of colored lights this year.  i'm a white lights girl, but jimmy has been asking for colored lights ever since we were married... oh well.  i'm sure there are bigger battles! 

  6. cute pics! jack looks so cute all bundled in his snow gear=)

  7. Wow...to think that I currently live in the Christmas tree capital of the world (did you know that Indiana is the self-proclaimed Christmas tree capital of the world???), and I still have not had the fun experience outlined in your photos...looks like fun.  ;)
