Tuesday, December 12, 2006

I've been considering writing a book directed toward toddlers and young children titled Things You Ought Not Say and Do. (If I thought it would actually help, I would. In truth, only one thing drives foolishness from the heart of a child and that one thing is not good books, reasoning, or philosophies.)

In the first chapter--maybe even on the first page--would be the following instruction:

When already in trouble for smacking your brother, do not say, "Daddy, you're stupid." This will not go well for you.

Ah, the eye-opening experience of watching a 2-year-old learn.

*Side Note: You know you're a mom when your favorite thing about your husband's day off is that he'll take on the kids' bad attitudes for a full 24 hours, thereby relieving you of the burden of training them for that period of time.*


  1. That is hilarious...LOL!!! heeheeheehahaha.... I can't stop laughing...I can't believe she really said that...  what made her say such a thing?
    and you're right about that knowing when you're a mom thing..the other thing is when you know they'll take on the poopy diapers too. :)

  2. And here I am thinking your being all serious...  HAHAH!  Well, you made me feel better today.  Sunday morning Cassie was giving me a hard time.  She was pouting after I gave her instruction, and then she yelled (over the music) "I HATE this!  I HATE this music!  Hmph!"

  3. I always say, if you're getting spanked anyway, why not say all the awful things you've been wanting to get off your chest?


  4. Your post made me smile but Danica's comment made me laugh. Ah, yes, I remember the days...

  5. You should write all your craziest, silliest moments of crazy silly things they say. This way, when it happens to me year from now... I can always remember Brietta got through it too. And then I'll laugh.
    :)Thanks for the pick-me-up on our depressing Christmas.

  6. Ahhh, yes. "Stupid". We heard that one in our house this week for the first time (directed at mom or dad anyway). It was followed by the even more daring, "I am going to kill you." and that was followed by specific methods for killing one's mother.
    Yikes. We sure have our work cut out for us!

    On a separate note, I saw a while back that you purchased a Johnny Jump Up for Jackson and wondered how you like it, or I suppose how he likes it?

    Mariah is fast outgrowing her bouncy seat and we no longer have the old walker. We took one look at the exersaucers at Babies R Us and said "No way!" Huge, complicated, and nearly $100!

    Just thought I'd see if you had any thoughts on it. =)

  7. Once again, I thought organic chemistry was hard.  But, it never told me I'm stupid.  It just makes me feel that way. ;)

  8. That is crazy I pray Hayla isn't too hard, but who am I kidding? Kids will be like that. No matter how cute or sweet, their all like that! I will pray for your sanity!


  9. Brietta, thanks to your post I don't know how long ago, I am now a convert to high quality underwear.  It all started when Cassie's brand new Faded Glory skivvies detached from their elastic on the first wear and I thought of what you wrote.  I took my coupon to Children's Place and bought a pack of undies.  NICE!  I'm planning on going back with my 25% off coupon today to stock up!  Do you want me to grab you any while I'm at it?  Just email me the size.  LOL!

  10. Hysterical. Mostly because it happened to you and not me. Danica is more spunky than I had previously thought. Maybe sometime we'll have to drop by and enjoy your tree since we're not getting one. Don't feel too bad for me- we have several rooms that aren't officially swiched over yet. Ex.) Our "old" living room no longer has carpet, but hardwood- yet it has no table/furniture. Only a big dining room light hanging down in the center of the room. We currently eat at a folding table in the "new" living room which has no carpet or furniture. Just a tv and really banging home theater system with in-ceiling speakers. Guess who enjoys that more- Daddy and kids or "Not-a-fun-bone-in-her-body" Mom? Exactly.

  11. I love this...  Since she is about 4 months older that my Ashlyn, I get to anticipate what is coming by listening to you (and Abby and Lisa...)  And to let you know... Ashlyn has pretty much followed along with every "issue" at about the same time all the others have! 
