Thursday, March 2, 2006

Today's frustrations:

...I simply have not had the motivation or discipline to lose the rest of the "baby" weight thus far, which is without excuse since it's a matter of just eating less for long enough to get rid of 5-7lbs. I hate when I'm not diligent in this area because it is almost always an inidication of my lack of diligence in general.

...Our house continues to be infested with ladybugs so that, no matter how often I clean, there are always a number of dead ladybugs in the windowsills and on the floors. This is very gross to me.

...Jackson has fussed the majority of the past 48 hours. Even the frontpack carrier hasn't helped.

...I was short with Gabriel when putting him to bed [for the third time]. He wanted me to sing to him [again], and I refused because I was upset that he was being disobedient. I don't think this was a true representation of His love for His children.

Today's highlights:

...Gabriel and Bronwyn received healthy reports at their dr.'s appointments this morning, and I had another chance to confirm how much I like Katie (the RNP).

...Taking more pictures with the digital camera they just gave us on Tuesday was a blast. I love seeing the shots of my cute kids seconds after taking it, and I appreciate that family can see these shots right away, too. I especially appreciate and admire the generosity of a good sister and brother-in-law.

...While Gabriel and Bronwyn napped and Daniel worked from home this afternoon, I laid down with Jackson to take a short nap, and the nap turned into 90 minutes of sound sleeping. This is the longest nap I've taken since before Jackson was born, and the first nap I've taken since she left. Yesterday I felt so exhausted and I knew the past 6 weeks of waking up several times a night was beginning to get to me, so this nap came at the perfect time.

...Our family dinner was particularly enjoyable tonight. I love that most evenings our table is shared with others; still there are times when the chance to simply relish one another--the cute antics of toddlers and the pleasant company of my husband--is priceless.


  1. That is nice. Yes rest can be very nice as well. Sounds like a good day in all!

    Andrea Josephs

  2. I'm sorry that ladybugs are such a bother, but did you know that in Chinese culture, Ladybugs and crickets are supposed to be a sign of blessing? Not that I believe they necessarily are, but its interesting anyway. :)

  3. We had lady bugs last spring. My in-laws get them terribly. I bought I think some kind of anti-ant spray and that seemed to work well... i only saw a few after I used that.
    You're smaller than I am after having three kids... I think you're blessed:)
    Can't wait to see even more pictures. Hope to see you tonight at Jackie's:)

  4. Did you know???
    *Although individual needs vary, the energy RDA set by the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Academy of Sciences for average-size, normally active women is 2200 calories per day. This means that most nursing moms need about 2700 calories per day.
    Are you sick of spinach? :~)
