Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Some pictures from our very fun evening:

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And just because she's cute:Image hosting by Photobucket


  1. oh my goodness. i canNOT wait to be home and see these kids!

  2. I just can't believe how adorable they are! Where do you get such cute clothes for them?!

  3. gotta love the sticks...(thanks to Nancy)

  4. This Nana was so sad to be so close and yet so far away! Finally you are here, right around the corner, and I still couldn't make it. Very sad...I would have loved to have shared in the fun and the joy.

    Can't wait to be out and about and then Nana and Papa will drop in with Uncle Merrick just to play for an hour or two. Who can imagine such fun? Someday...

  5. adorable!  i love it when you post pictures of your family... even though we've never met, i feel like i kinda' know them a bit!    happy birthday gabriel!

  6. Absolutely beautiful! Rick's parents found a drum almost exactly like that at a consignment shop for Jonathan. Of course,  he doesn't really nd one since he can use just about anything for a drum and a drumstick. He loves guitar, drums, piano, and anything else having to do w/music. Thanks for sharing the pics! :) How did the pizza come out? Did you freeze the excess dough?

  7. That is so fun! They are so cute. Awww...can't wait for all that fun stuff. Well I can just because it will make me cry to know she is that huge already and I would wonder where the time went.
    See ya at church Sunday!

    AnDrEa JoSePhS
