Thursday, March 9, 2006

For those of you who didn't catch the not-so-subtle reference in my last post, yes, Jackson seems to have thrush again. I still haven't gotten it, so I'm going crazy with baking soda/water in his mouth to try to kill the stuff before I do get it, but I may be making use of the extra anti-biotics prescribed last time around for such a time as this. Ugh. I'm just hoping my dietary changes (less sugar and lots of yogurt) help my body fight the infection it is surely battling.

On a lighter note, I am really pleased with Jackson's growth of late. Of course, I have no way of knowing exactly how much he's gained since we don't own a scale (we see the doctor on Monday afternoon and will find out the specifics), but I know he's definitely gained significantly these last two and a half weeks compared to the prior five. When we returned from the last visit with Dr. McCloy a little over two weeks ago, I told Daniel that I felt I should pray for at least a 1lb. gain between then and this next appointment, which would put Jackson at 9lbs 10oz. Such a prayer seemed a bit lofty at the time, considering his 6oz. gain in a little over five weeks, but I have remained committed to this for my little guy. Now, as we approach the "finish line" (I'm sure that if he gains so well we will no longer have to watch his weight), I'm fairly certain he weighs even more than this and, while it may seem like a little thing in the greater scheme of life, I have a fresh reassurance through this situation that the Lord truly does hear the petitions of this mom--and there is great peace for every situation in such assurance.

And on an even lighter note, my mom taped the last two nights of AI and I got to watch them (minus the commercials, which is always nice!) today. It's a gray day--perfect for watching something fun--so during Jackson-feedings I caught up in preparation for tonight. If I had voted, which I never do, I would have voted for Katharine, Elliot and Taylor. I also like Mandisa and Chris, but I'm not sure they're really the best all-around candidates to win.

On the lightest note of all, we will be spending our "spring break" (we now follow college schedules to a certain extent) in Pittsburgh and are very much looking forward to our time there. We miss everyone so very, very, very much. I also miss shopping--which I plan to do--and TGI Friday desserts. It's probably a good thing I can't ever indulge in the latter around here since I'm trying desperately to stay healthy and lose weight; giant ice cream sandwiches with hot fudge don't really help reach either of those goals!

Now, off I go to put a 3-year-old back in bed for the millionth time since 1:30pm. Back to reality...


  1. I'll pray for the thrush to disappear,
    and for lots of ounces to appear.
    I am glad that AI has grown so dear
    in your little yellow house just down the road!

    Love you all - Mom

  2. Maybe you could work out a deal with your littlest you lose the pounds- he could find them!!!  Although if you truly are looking to shed 5-7 more, he may not want to take on quite that much. At least not all at once. Your littlest brother today was adorable. He stood up tall and announced very matter-of-factly, "I have a nephew who is 3!"

  3. We are all so excited to see you as well!!  I know Matt is really hoping (and so am I) that this baby holds off for 2 more weeks.  I suppose we wouldn't get to see much of you if we were in the hospital!  Thanks for the email, and it did encourage me hearing about your mom.  I'll let you know how things go!

  4. Just imagine, Jackson's current weight is about how much Grace weighed when she was born.  Giving birth to her wasn't as difficult as carrying her around under my skin that last month. 
