Monday, March 27, 2006

I didn't sign up for motherhood because I thought it would be easy.

I just never knew it could be this hard.


  1. I wish I could be there to help. This friday is my last day of work... so on some crazy days you're more than welcome to beckon for my help:)

  2. Hi, I actually don't know if we've ever met. I know a few people on your list as I went to SUNY P, and was involved with IVCF.  I actually recognized you b/c I went to CFC a few times wayyyy back in the day with Ryan Dunphy (1997?).  I worked with him at camp for a summer.
    Anyway, I just enjoy reading your blog.  I am a Christian also, but didn't grow up in a Christian home, so its "neat" to read about how you raise your children.

  3. Yup, I understand .  Just to let you know; I think you're a great mommy!!! Love you!

  4. Oh! Now I feel bad about my comment to you in P&C....I hadn't read your post yet!   : (

  5. I just read about a bazillion little messages hidden between the lines of your post.  I hear ya Sister!  I hear ya!
