Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Here are some pictures from the past week. More will come after I take the time to transfer them from our camera to the computer.

Jackson meeting Great-Grandma Sally

Gabriel with his buddy Alex

At the zoo with Grandma

Bronwyn in the meerkat tunnel


Visiting Aunt Judy

Pap-Pap and Jack

Daddy-Jack time

Our family

More to come!...


  1. Your family is beautiful. :)

  2. Great pics... I love it!  Your kiddos are too cute!  I was glad we were able to meet Jack and see you guys for a little while, but of course I missed seeing Gabriel and Bronwyn... hopefully we will see you again soon!  If nothing else we'd like to reserve the guest room at the yellow house in Madrid sometime in September most likely.... 

  3. oh my! your family looks so adorable.Gabriel and Bronwyn sitting next to Jack- makes them look so much older! thanks for posting more pics, it's always great to "see" you=) esther

  4. awww... I'm so jealous... I only have dreams about having a family. Back a few monthes ago I had a vision... not a dream but a vision of a little girl. I knew she was from the Ukraine and her name was Adelie. In the vision I was single and my age if not a little older and she called and beconed me down a dirty old allie saying, "Come on momma! Momma... follow me!" She was the cutest little girl and after I saw her all I could think about was going and finding her. I know that someday I will find her but I need to wait on the Lord and she will find me. But yeah... haha... I just thought I'd share that with you... I don't really know why... but yup! Enjoy your family... they're beautiful!

  5. Oh, you make me miss you all!  Hopefully we'll be back and see you at college ministry on Sunday?  I'm so glad that you had a good trip!

  6. Your family is beautiful! enjoy them they grow up so fast.
